Learn How To Protect Your Campus With Room Alert

As a campus IT professional or facilities manager, your biggest fear is downtime that negatively impacts your campus community. Data center downtime, telco outages, power loss, water damage in your dorms and more can all cost you valuable time and money.

Costly downtime is the bane of every organization, and offering proactive environment monitoring with Room Alert will help protect your campus from unexpected downtime and lost revenue caused by factors such as temperature, humidity, water leak / flood, power, smoke and much more.

Room Alert is recognized as one of the leading solutions for IT & facilities environment monitoring, and can be found protecting customers in 186 of 196 countries worldwide.

In this white paper, we will examine:

• The importance of environment monitoring as part of a comprehensive business continuity plan to keep all areas of your campus up and running

• How to protect your students and faculty and improve learning conditions in dorms and classrooms and increase overall productivity

• Different scenarios where Room Alert will protect your facilities such as lab environments, food services and more

• Monitor critical campus hardware such as HVAC units, power systems and more to help provide proactive maintenance rather than costly repairs

Installing Room Alert throughout your campus as a managed proactive environment monitoring solution will provide you with peace of mind of mind knowing that your facilities, data, and students & faculty are protected against costly and harmful downtime.
