Knowledge Base / Frequently Asked Questions / Device ManageR (Legacy)
To create an alert in Device ManageR, follow these steps:
1. Open Device ManageR in your web browser. You may open it by entering ‘localhost:8080’ or ‘<IP address of Device ManageR host system>:8080’ in your browser’s address bar.
2. Select Alerts/Tasks in the navigation bar to the left.
3. In the Alerts/Tasks menu, select Alerts.
4. To add your first alert, select Add.
5. In the Add New Alert screen that appears:
– In Name, enter a name for your alert. Our example is called ‘Data Center Temperature > 80 F.’
– In Device, select your Room Alert from the drop-down list. We’re choosing the Room Alert 32E in our data center.
– In Alarm when…, you’ll then see a drop-down list with all of the unit’s individual sensors. Select the specific sensor you wish to alert on. In our example, we’re choosing Internal Sensor – Temperature (F).
– In is, set the threshold for that sensor. The fields that appear here depend on the type of sensor you’ve chosen. In our example, we have a comparison and value field.
– First, select from the Comparison Value drop-down list. In our example, we’re choosing greater than (>).
– Then, in value, enter the number that makes sense for the scale you’re using. In our example, we are measuring temperature in Fahrenheit, so we’re going to enter 80 (degrees Fahrenheit).
– In Alarm if item is unavailable for X scans, you may leave the default, 4 scans, or enter another value. You may also disable this feature if you wish by unchecking the check box. In our example, we’re leaving the default.
– In Action / Notification List, select an already-configured list from the drop-down menu or create a new one by selecting Add. Here we’re choosing the ‘Notify IT Staff’ Action / Notification List that we assembled in the previous FAQ, How To Configure Action / Notification Lists In Device ManageR.
– Then select Save.
You’ve now created your first alert in Device ManageR. In our example alert, contacts from an IT department will be notified by email (or email-to-SMS) when the temperature in their data center climbs above 80° F.
You may repeat this process to create more alerts. You may also use the same Action / Notification List over and over again for different alerts, as we have in the example below. (For more information about Action / Notification Lists, please the previous FAQ, How To Configure Action / Notification Lists In Device ManageR.)
For information about editing the default email alert text, please see our FAQ, How To Edit Email Alert Messages In Device ManageR.
You may find Windows Command Prompt at the following path:
To run Windows Command Prompt as an administrator:
Current S models | Current E models |
Room Alert 32S | Room Alert 32E |
Room Alert 12S | Room Alert 12E |
Room Alert 4E | |
Room Alert 3E | |
Current S models | Current E models |
Room Alert 32S | Room Alert 32E |
Room Alert 12S | Room Alert 12E |
Room Alert 3S | Room Alert 4E |
Room Alert 3E | |
Room Alert 3W |