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Room Alert 4E Firmware Release Notes

Firmware updates for your Room Alert products are available at


June 4, 2021
  • Removed Push to Device ManageR functionality, and replaced it with Push To Room Alert Manager.
  • Added support for a new version of the temperature sensor chip.


February 4, 2021
  • Added support for a version number in the firmware of the device’s sensor controller.


May 23, 2019
  • Web interface updates
    • Settings–>Sensors page
      • Improved error message that displays when 6 digits are entered in the high/low threshold fields for the following sensors:
        • Digital Temperature
        • Digital Temperature & Humidity (including heat index and dew point)
        • Digital Temperature & Analog (analog with custom scale enabled)
      • Added validation to the following fields for the Digital Active Power w/ Temperature Sensor:
        • “Sensor Label”
        • Temperature “High” and “Low” threshold fields
        • Temperature “Adjust” field
  • URL Commands
    • Modified command to reset unit to defaults to require authentication.
  • Push Functionality
    • Fixed an issue that could prevent another push to or Device ManageR from triggering while a push is already in progress.
  • Misc. updates
    • Added additional filtering to parsing of data received from sensors to avoid erroneous readings.


February 15, 2019
  • Web interface updates
    • Status page
      • Renamed and relocated the Status page refresh rate field for clarity.
    • Settings-->Click Here To Access Settings page
      • Updated help text and added FAQ link to assist users in troubleshooting sign-in issues.
    • Settings–>SMTP page
      • Added character limits below most fields for clarity.
      • Added FAQ links to assist users in troubleshooting email issues.
      • Added error message to Password field when save of more than 11 characters attempted.
      • Shortened allowed characters on Password field to 12. (12th character required to trigger error message mentioned above.)
      • Updated text on test email confirmation pop-up for clarity.
    • Settings–>SNMP page
      • Added “v1” to page title for clarity.
    • Settings–>Advanced–>Device ManageR Push page
      • Updated tab and field names for clarity.
      • Added help text and FAQ link to assist users in preventing discovery issues in Device ManageR.
      • Reset fields when Device ManageR is push disabled after having been enabled.
  • getData.json & trace file updates
    • Added Ethernet Configuration settings from the Settings–>Network page to assist Technical Support with troubleshooting connectivity issues.


September 26, 2018
  • Updated Device ManageR Push functionality to allow more frequent pushes based on changes in sensor readings.
  • Updated SMTP email username field to allow backslash character.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent emails from being sent through certain mail servers.
  • Updated startup process to allow sensor readings to begin more quickly when the monitor is not connected to the internet.


December 20, 2017
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the web interface from loading when viewed from a computer without an internet connection.


December 15, 2017
  • has moved to The firmware has been updated to support and reference this change.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the sysObjectID value from loading correctly in SNMP queries.
  • Resolved an issue that could allow invalid SMTP ports to be saved through the Settings page.


December 4, 2017
  • Added support for dew point on Digital Temperature & Humidity Sensors. Click here for more information.
  • Updated saving of passwords to make it more clear when the maximum length is exceeded.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent users from saving certain valid email usernames.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause an alarm icon to display on Digital Temperature & Humidity Sensors configured for heat index with no threshold set.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent relays from triggering.


September 13, 2017
  • Added support for AVTECH’s new Active Power Sensor
  • Updated GoToMyDevices Push to send data to
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the fourth output on a Relay Switch Sensor from being toggled via SNMP set commands.
  • Added a setting to the ‘Security’ section of the telnet menu which can prevent Light Tower and Relay outputs from being toggled through the web interface.
  • Added support for pushing data to immediately when a Light Tower or Relay output is toggled.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause negative analog readings to appear incorrectly through SNMP queries.
  • Updated alerting process to send SNMP traps on alerts from the internal analog sensor.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent emails from sending when an alert on an internal analog sensor clears.
  • Added the custom analog value to the SNMP tree.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause switch sensor alarms to trigger relays when they were configured for ‘No Alarm Profile’.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent negative values from being entered into the ‘Scale High’ field for internal analog sensors.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause custom analog values to be slightly off in alert emails.


March 28, 2017

AVTECH Device ManageR v6.2.0 or higher is required for this update. Please be sure any web browsers currently accessing the unit are closed to be sure all files are updated correctly.

  • Updated the GoToMyDevices push logic to send an automatic push when Light Tower or Relay outputs are toggled via the web interface.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Device ManageR to interpret closed switch sensors as open immediately after a device reboots.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause custom MTU settings to be ignored by the network driver.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause custom time servers to be ignored and replaced with
  • Updated the validation on the ‘Device ManageR Server IP Address’ setting so it will not allow ‘’ to be saved.
  • Minor web interface display fixes.


November 3, 2016
  • Resolved an issue that could cause reboots when emails were sent through certain SMTP servers.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause problems when saving settings due to specific web browser configurations.
  • Updated wording on input validation when configuring settings.
  • Updated display when configuring analog thresholds on a Temperature & Analog Sensor to make it more obvious when a custom scale is in use.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the getData.json output to be invalid with very low heat index readings.
  • Resolved an issue with saving Temperature & Analog Sensor settings through Safari.
  • Resolved an issue that caused a slight discrepancy in analog thresholds in alert emails.


April 13, 2016
  • Updated the link to FAQs displayed on the Help page.
  • Updated the GoToMyDevices push functionality so a push will be triggered as soon as a new digital sensor is connected.
  • Updated GoToMyDevices push so that a push is triggered immediately when an alarm configured on Room Alert is triggered.
  • Updated GoToMyDevices push so that a push is sent after the voltage returns from 0V on analog sensors.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause GoToMyDevices pushes to occur too frequently if custom analog readings were calculated as negative numbers.
  • Added a trace output that displays whether a delayed push was intended for Device ManageR or GoToMyDevices.
  • Added support for the ‘+’ character in email address fields.
  • Added a flag to the JSON output to indicate that custom analog readings are configured.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the device to reboot when an email was sent that resulted in a ‘Sender Address Rejected’ response from the email server.
  • Updated the configuration to tracing output is now enabled by default.
  • Updated the firmware UPD file so it contains smaller files that are more efficient to upload over various network speeds and topologies.
  • Resolved an issue that allowed users to enter a value in the ‘Refresh Every X Seconds’ field that was larger than the maximum size allowed.
  • Resolved an issue that required users to enter a High and Low Alarm On value when certain custom scale configurations were made.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Relay 4 on a connected Relay Sensor to always show as off on the Status page, even when toggled on.
  • Updated the Light Tower Name field to be grayed out when the ‘No Light Tower/Relay’ option is selected.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the device to still use the default NTP time server, even when a new server is configured.
  • Added a telnet option to print the last push values to trace output to help diagnose GoToMyDevices push issues.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the NTP server IP from resolving via DNS.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent analog sensors from reading all the way down to 0V and instead reporting a few hundredths of a volt.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Alarm Profiles to be saved incorrectly for Analog and Switch Sensors.
  • Updated SNMP Trap processing so traps are sent to the second and third SNMP Trap IP, even if a valid IP is not entered for the first SNMP Trap IP.
  • Resolved an issue that would not display the Save Settings option after resolving a second host name in the Date & Time Settings page.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the DNS IP to not be set properly when using DHCP.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the alarm status icons from appearing properly for Ping Alarms.


November 5, 2015
  • Upgraded the web interface to a completely new, modern and responsive template that works as well in mobile and tablet browsers as it does in desktop browsers. It integrates more directly with GoToMyDevices, and provides a consistent user experience across all current Room Alert monitors. Configuration options are now more intuitive, with the most commonly configured settings presented first, as well as providing an indication for what settings have been modified prior to saving. All current Room Alert monitors are now unified under a single common interface, and additional details can be found in the newly updated Room Alert User Manual.
  • The current MIB file is now included in the web interface, and can be downloaded from the SNMP Settings page. All MIB files will now have a version number that matches the firmware version number, making it easier to ensure the correct MIB is used.
  • Resolved issues in the MIB that would prevent it from parsing properly in some SNMP applications.
  • Updated the GoToMyDevices push functionality to push updated data to
  • Updated the GoToMyDevices push functionality to push data as ‘application/json’ without form encoding.
  • Updated the GoToMyDevices push functionality to use the same sensor push triggers across all current monitors for consistency.
  • Updated the GoToMyDevices push functionality to be sure a push is attempted after one minute if a push was attempted during the one minute lockup period.
  • Added an option to disable SNMP Trap Receiving. Previously, entering an invalid IP in the first field was required to disable this function.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause email to not send if the mail server responded with longer than expected headers.
  • Updated the default NTP server to ‘’, which is resolved on each boot.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented email from being configured properly in the Telnet menu.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the username from being checked if configured on the Security Settings.


December 3, 2014
  • Added an option that allows users to set the default state for an attached light tower when Room Alert boots.
  • Added an option that allows users to enable or disable the SMTP display URL.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the light tower from turning off on alarms if the ‘Alarm Clear Action’ setting was disabled.
  • Significantly reduced how often data is written to flash memory, improving overall performance and device longevity.
  • Added additional tracing output detail for SNMP Traps.


September 26, 2014
  • Added a ‘Resolve Hostname’ feature on the Advanced tab of the Settings page to make it easier to determine the appropriate IP address for a time server.
  • Added a configurable timeout value for push functionality.
  • Added an ‘Update Now’ button on the Advanced tab of the Settings to request an immediate update of the time using the configured NTP server.
  • Added a URL command that allows a user to issue a remote reboot command using the URL ‘/cmd.cgi?action=RemoteReboot’.
  • Updated the method used to load the fields on the Settings page to improve reliability in older web browsers.
  • Updated the default configuration of Light Towers and Relays so they will be off on boot by default.
  • Updated the Adjust field for Analog Sensors to allow decimal values.
  • Resolved an issue with saving negative thresholds for Analog Sensors when the custom conversion grid was enabled.
  • Resolved an issue with the display of custom analog values on the Status page when the custom unit was configured as ‘V’.


August 20, 2014
  • Added support for automatically pushing sensor data to AVTECH’s new monitoring and alerting cloud service. allows you to ‘Manage Devices… Anywhere… Anytime! Easily, conveniently and securely through the cloud.’ Please contact your Product Specialist for additional details about this exciting new service, or click here to learn more.
  • Added support for automatically pushing sensor data whenever an alarm is triggered or cleared.
  • Added support for automatically pushing sensor data whenever the internal temperature sensor changes by more than one degree Celsius.
  • Added support for automatically pushing sensor data whenever a switch sensor changes state.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a negative Adjust value entered for the internal temperature sensor to show as a positive adjustment on the Status page.
  • Updated the Settings page to save properly in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Updated how readings from humidity sensors are handled to improve the accuracy and better align with the output from other Room Alert monitors.


December 20, 2013
  • Resolved an issue that could cause custom values calculated from analog sensors to be displayed incorrectly in email alert messages.
  • Improved the validation performed on entries made on the Settings pages to prevent errors saving configuration changes.
  • Improved the validation of port number entries to ensure they are within a valid range and cannot be saved if not appropriate.
  • Added a link to the Room Alert 4E User’s Guide & Reference Manual in the footer of test email messages.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the Heat Index to be calculated for temperature ranges that fall outside of the NOAA standard formula.
  • Due to high growth and demand, added support for a new range of MAC Addresses.
  • Reviewed and corrected text and grammatical issues.
  • Resolved an issue with clearing alarms for analog sensors when a custom range was configured.
  • Updated the Network Settings page to require users to enable at least one of the available Auto Configuration Methods if ‘Obtain IP Address Automatically’ is selected.


September 25, 2013
  • Added support for AVTECH’s new Digital Temperature & Analog Sensor. This new sensor is compatible with all Room Alert products and allows users to monitor temperatures and analog voltages between 0-5VDC. This greatly increases the types of sensors that can be monitored by Room Alert as there are many third party sensors that output 0-5VDC readings.
  • Added support for single decimal precision in the ‘Adjust’ fields for sensors.
  • Added support for Internet Explorer 9 and 10 (IE9 and IE10).
  • Tested and confirmed compatibility with all current popular browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari.
  • Updated the DNS resolution to default to a name server of if one is not entered by the user or provided by DHCP.


April 10, 2013
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the readings on the Status page to display inconsistently when temperatures were below 0C.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause SNMP Traps to not be sent for alarms on the Switch Sensor.


March 14, 2012
  • Added support for all modern web browsers. The Room Alert web interface should now be fully functional in all web browsers, including IE8/9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and others that conform to modern web standards. With full support for Chrome and Safari, the web interface can now also be viewed in mobile devices running Android and iOS.
  • Added support for the new ‘Push’ technology for use with Device ManageR. Previously, Device ManageR would query the device for sensor values at defined intervals. If the device was installed at a remote location, this could cause additional configuration steps because of firewalls that might be in place between locations. The new ‘Push’ technology allows users to configure Room Alert to proactively send sensor updates to Device ManageR at regular intervals. Since Room Alert will be sending data out to Device ManageR, firewall configurations can typically be simpler since outgoing connections are usually allowed. In addition, if Room Alert detects an alarm condition, it will immediately send an update to Device ManageR, regardless of the interval setting. This allows for more immediate notification of alarm conditions that is no longer tied to the Discovery Interval configured in Device ManageR. Please contact AVTECH for additional details about this exciting new feature.
  • Updated the core embedded operating system and network drivers. This should improve the communication between our Room Alert devices and high end network switches to improve interoperability.
  • Added support for the JSONP protocol. This makes it much easier for users to incorporate sensor data from Room Alert devices into their own web pages without the challenges previously posed by cross-domain scripting restrictions.
  • Updated the sensor output to conform to valid JSON formats.
  • Added the ability to configure the date format displayed on the web interface and in email notifications to allow for customization in different international locales.
  • Improved the way time is displayed in email notifications to more fully conform to the RFC standard.
  • Added timestamps to the trace output to make it easier for our Technical Support team to identify the timing of certain background activities to facilitate quicker resolutions.
  • Modified the way the Device Name is handled so the Serial Number is used as the default Device Name when factory default settings are reset.
  • Resolved an issue that could allow a Device Name to be configured that was one character longer than supported.
  • Improved the verification performed before saving sensor labels to be sure invalid characters cannot be used for sensor labels.


December 29, 2011
  • Resolved an issue that could cause sensor labels for Digital Temp/Humidity Sensors to not return valid data when queried via SNMP.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause sensor data to not update or appear properly in Device ManageR.


December 23, 2011
  • Improved support for all major web browsers. Each page of the web interface has now been tested and updated to work in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and IE8/9.
  • Improved the formatting of the ‘getdata’ output to be fully validated JSON. This resolves an issue caused in some browsers that could cause sensor data to fail to load.
  • Added support for permanently storing the Serial Number in flash memory. This Serial Number will not be modifyable and will be restored when factory default settings are restored.
  • Improved the alert checking process so multiple alerts can be triggered on the same sensor simultaneously. This allows alerts for Temperature and Humidity at the same time on a Temp/Humidity Sensor.
  • Added support for sending the current sensor value for the sensor that triggered an alert with SNMP Traps. Please update the MIB file used in your SNMP software to benefit from this new feature.
  • Added an intermediate Settings page to help explain the default username and password for initial access to the Settings configuration pages.
  • Added timestamps to the tracing output to help our Technical Support team better diagnose any issues.
  • Updated the SNMP MIB files to support the new features. Please be sure to download the latest version of the Room Alert 4E MIB files.
  • Added the ability to configure the date format displayed on screens and in email alerts to better support international variations.


June 21, 2011
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the Heat Index to be calculated incorrectly for temperatures below 68F.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause invalid characters to appear in the background data output. This could periodically cause inconsistent readings to appear on the web interface or in Device ManageR.
  • Reorganized a good portion of the code to make better use of the available memory for future enhancements.


February 11, 2011
  • Resolved an issue that could cause unexpected sensor value spikes to report the temperature as 32F.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause an extra negative sign to be display for certain temperature ranges.
  • Added additional error checking to the background sensor reading process.
  • Added a web based trace output to facilitate troubleshooting issues with Technical Support.


January 13, 2011
  • Added the ability to query the currently configured sensor labels via SNMP. Please be sure to download the latest SNMP MIB file for the Room Alert 4E to enable this new functionality.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause configured Pings to incorrectly report their status.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the Switch Sensor Label to not save properly.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause temperature readings between 0.0C and -1.0C to display incorrectly on the web interface. They were being calculated properly for alert monitoring, but were being rounded incorrectly when displayed on the Status page.


May 26, 2010
  • Added support for the new Relay option which can connect to the signal tower connector on the back of a Room Alert 4E. This Relay allows the Room Alert 4E to turn up to four (4) relay outputs on or off in response to alarm conditions. Click here for additional information about the Relay.
  • Added a new feature that allows the Room Alert 4E to optionally automatically synchronize the date and time with the configured NTP server at regular intervals. Available intervals include 10 minutes, 60 minutes and 6, 12 and 24 hours.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the ‘Retry’ setting for Pings to not be applied, resulting in Ping Alerts on the first failure.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a Ping to not be checked if the ‘Retry’ setting was set to zero (0).


February 10, 2010
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent users from properly configuring the ability to turn signal tower lights and audio off in response to an alert cleared condition.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause sensor disconnected alerts to be generated when false alerts are received instead of only when the sensor is physically disconnected.
  • Improved email functionality to better handle long welcome messages sent back from the target mail server.


November 12, 2009
  • Added the ability to turn lights and audio off when alarm clear. Previously, only actions such as turning the green light on while leaving the red light on were supported. Now, if all alarms are cleared, the Room Alert 4E can be configured to turn the lights and audio off.
  • Added the ability to configure the SMTP Timeout on the SMTP Email page of the Settings. This was previously hard coded to 5 seconds and can now be set to any value between 1-99 seconds.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the web interface to stop responding and require a reboot if repeated authentication attempts failed when accessing the Settings screen.


July 20, 2009
  • Modified the way the ‘EHLO’ command is sent to mail servers so it uses the local IP address instead of the ‘From’ address. This is more consistent with what most email servers expect and should prevent periodic SMTP timeouts.
  • Added the Device Name to the subject of email alerts that are sent, making it easier to identify which device the alert was sent from for customers with multiple devices.
  • Added the ability to configure the ‘sysContact’ SNMP value via the SNMP Settings screen.
  • Added the ability to configure the ‘sysLocation’ SNMP value via the SNMP Settings screen.
  • Configured the ‘sysName’ SNMP value to report the Device Name. This was previously blank.
  • Modified the ‘sysDescr’ SNMP value to report the device type and version. This previously reported the Device Name.
  • Adjusted the Sensor Disconnected SMS text to report the timestamp on its own line so it is consistent with the other SMS alerts.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the timestamp to be inserted in the wrong part of SMS Humidity Alert messages.
  • Added a SMS formatted alert notification for Ping Alerts.
  • Added a SMS formatted alert notification for SNMP Trap Alerts.


April 22, 2009
  • Added the ability to modify the port used for HTTP requests. This was previously hard-coded to use port 80.
  • Added the ability to modify the URL that is displayed at the bottom of email alert notifications. This allows users to define a WAN IP or DNS name so the link can be clicked and viewed from outside the local network if external access is configured.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the Status page to not load properly if values of -6C or lower were displayed.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause email alerts not to be sent for SNMP Traps that are received.
  • Improved the processing of the internal temperature sensor to reduce the occurance of fluctuations of a few degrees when the switch sensor input was closed.


December 24, 2008
  • Changed the default MTU to 1024 instead of 1400. This should reduce the occurance of network connectivity issues with some managed switches and VPN connections.
  • Added a MTU option to the Network settings so the MTU can be set to whatever is appropriate for the network it is connected to.
  • Added additional error checking to SMTP requests to better diagnose email sending issues.
  • Added the ability to define and save the default refresh interval of the Status page via the Advanced section of the Settings.
  • Modified how low thresholds are checked to be sure the current value rises one degree above the threshold before clearing to avoid repetitive alarms. This was previously only being applied to high thresholds.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the dates of December 29, 30 and 31 to be calculated incorrectly. These dates should all display properly with this version.
  • Resolved an issue with the header response of the /mobile.txt page that could prevent it displaying in the BlackBerry browser.
  • Corrected an issue with the trace output that could erroneously report an invalid humidity spike on the internal sensor.


October 14, 2008
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the ‘Alarm Options’ Settings page not to update properly in Internet Explorer.
  • Improved the accuracy of the automatic adjustment made to the internal temperature sensor to compensate for the heat generated internally. The internal temperature sensor should now match external temperature sensors much more closely. Any previously set ‘Adjust’ values might need to be readjusted to compensate for the change.


September 24, 2008
  • Updated fields and labels on the Settings screens to be consistent across all screens and options.
  • Added a timeout check to the SMTP sending function so a communication loss with the mail server does not cause the unit to stall while waiting for a response.
  • Modified the SMTP sending function so it quits if authentication fails instead of continuing with an attempt to send an unauthenticated email if email authentication is enabled.
  • Added support for displaying the ‘Heat Index’ value in Celsius in addition to the default of Fahrenheit.
  • Added support for using a ‘YE’ parameter in addition to the default ‘OR’ parameter for controlling the Yellow/Orange LED on the signal tower.
  • Modified the email format used when SNMP Traps are received to be more descriptive.
  • Resolved an issue that caused Ping Alarms to always trigger a Red LED event instead of using the Alarm Options configuration.
  • Resolved an issue that caused SNMP Trap Alarms to always trigger a Red LED event instead of using the Alarm Options configuration.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause SNMP and TFTP functions to still respond even when configured as ‘Disabled’.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the ‘Adjust’ value to be applied incorrectly when using the ‘Heat Index’ option on external Digital Temp/Humidity Sensors.


August 15, 2008
  • Consolidated the firmware for all Room Alert Signal Tower and Room Alert 4E models into a single Room Alert 4E firmware file.
  • Added support for Digital Humidity for all Room Alert 4E based models.
  • Added support for SMS formatted emails that contain less text for devices with character limits or small displays.
  • Added support for ‘AM/PM’ formatted time display in addition to the default 24 hour time format.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause email messages to fail to send if the mail server replies with a long response to the EHLO command. We now check for a 250 response indicating it is ‘OK’ to send and discard the remaining unused message.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause email messages to fail to send if the mail server responded with an alternative error code to the EHLO command. We now correctly fall back to using HELO if the initial EHLO attempt fails and returns a code other than the 250 ‘OK’ message.
  • Added an ‘Uptime’ value to the ‘/getdata.htm’ output for future use as a way to determine how long the device has been powered on.
  • Added an ‘Uptime’ value to the trace output for future use as a way to determine how long the device has been powered on.
  • Added a new webpage display option designed specifically for mobile devices such as phones and PDAs that required a ‘Content Type’ to be passed with the page data. The new URL ‘http://(IP of Device)/mobile.txt’ will display a text only output of all current sensor data with a Content Type of ‘text/plain’. The URL ‘http://(IP of Device)/mobile’ will still display a text only output of all sensor data without the Content Type header.


April 9, 2008
  • Resolved an issue that could cause sensor data to stop updating when both external digital sensors were connected for a period of time. The time to wait before reading new sensor data was increased to allow the larger amount of data to be received properly.
  • Adjusted the MAC address display on the ‘Status’ page so it does not cause a page break on narrow browser windows.
  • Added additional tracing output to help diagnose issues reading sensor data.


  • First official release of Room Alert 4E firmware.
Room Alert is Made in the USA, ships worldwide from our locations in the US and EU, and has been protecting facilities since 1988.

You may find Windows Command Prompt at the following path:

  • Windows 7 & 8
    Start--> All Programs--> Accessories--> Command Prompt
  • Windows 10
    Start--> All Apps--> Windows System--> Command Prompt

To run Windows Command Prompt as an administrator:

  • Windows 7 & 8
    Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
  • Windows 10
    Right-click on Command Prompt, select More and then select Run as administrator.

Example Polling Method Properties saved in Orion SolarWinds:

If you are using this client, you should configure the general SNMPv3 Credentials, but leave the Read / Write SNMPv3 Credentials section blank.

Room Alert Link- Supported Firmware Updates

Current S modelsCurrent E models
Room Alert 32SRoom Alert 32E
Room Alert 12SRoom Alert 12E
Room Alert 4E
Room Alert 3E

Room Alert Manager - Compatible Devices

The latest version of Room Alert Manager supports only the devices below.

It does not support any legacy Room Alert or TemPageR models.

Current S modelsCurrent E models
Room Alert 32SRoom Alert 32E
Room Alert 12SRoom Alert 12E
Room Alert 3SRoom Alert 4E
Room Alert 3E
Room Alert 3W