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Room Alert Monitors with push to enabled automatically update your Room Alert account with sensor data at defined intervals. Please see our FAQ, How To Enable/Disable Push To, for a list of models and firmware versions that have this feature.
There are a number of conditions that cause your Room Alert Monitor to push sensor data to You can view a full list in our FAQ, What Triggers A Push To
You may also do additional configuration on the native web interface of the Room Alert Monitor to force it to push more often than the default methods. Setting up ‘Alarm On’ thresholds in your Room Alert Monitor’s web interface causes the unit to push when sensors:
– Enter the alarm state.
– Clear that alarm state.
To configure thresholds on the native web interface of your Room Alert Monitor, follow these steps:
You may open your Room Alert Monitor’s web interface from your Room Alert Account:
1. Log in to your account at
2. Select Devices from the navigation bar to the left.
3. Then select your Room Alert Monitor from the list.
4. When your unit’s Sensor Details page opens, select Device Interface in the upper right corner.
5. Your Room Alert Monitor’s native web interface will open in a new window.
– Select Settings in the navigation bar to the left.
– Then select Sensors from the options that appear below Settings.
On the Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi, navigate to the Alarm Options –> Sensors page.
To add a threshold, follow these steps. (For our first threshold, we’re going to make only one change: a high temperature threshold for Sensor 1.)
1. Locate your sensor’s interface. In this case, we are working with Sensor 1, which has a Digital Temperature & Humidity Sensor connected.
2. In the Alarm On section of the sensor’s interface, enter a value (or make a selection, depending on the sensor). In this case, we’re entering ’80’ in the Temperature High field.
– This means that Sensor 1 will enter an alert state when the temperature rises above 80 F.
– It will clear the alert state when the temperature falls below 80 F.
3. Select Save Settings at the top or bottom of the screen. The Room Alert Monitor will reboot with the new settings.
In our example, this Room Alert Monitor will now push to the Room Alert Account under all of the default circumstances, plus when Sensor 1 alarms and clears on the newly-configured threshold.
Now we’ll add thresholds for all of the other ‘Alarm On’ Highs and Lows by going through the same steps for each sensor:
Notice that in addition to the sensor thresholds, there is the additional option to Trigger Alarm If Sensor Is Disconnected? (This applies only to external digital sensors.)
With these settings, this Room Alert Monitor will push under of the default circumstances, plus:
When these sensors alert and clear:
– Internal Sensor Temperature High threshold (above 75, alert; below 75, clear)
– Internal Sensor on the Temperature Low threshold (below 55, alert; above 55, clear)
– Internal Sensor on the Humidity High (above 45, alert; below 45, clear)
– Internal Sensor on the Humidity Low (below 35, alert; above 35, clear)
– Sensor 1 on the Temperature High threshold (above 80, alert; below 80, clear)
– Sensor 1 on the Temperature Low threshold (below 60, alert; above 60, clear)
– Sensor 1 on the Humidity High (above 40, alert; below 40, clear)
– Sensor 1 on the Humidity Low (below 30, alert; above 30, clear)
And when Sensor 1 is physically disconnected and reconnected.
As you can see, by setting up ‘Alarm On’ thresholds in your Room Alert Monitor, you can increase the pushes from your device to your Room Alert Account significantly.
If you already own a Room Alert Monitor with existing alarm thresholds configured, you don’t need to change them; the device will automatically push to your Room Alert Account when the monitor goes into and clears those alarm states.
You may find Windows Command Prompt at the following path:
To run Windows Command Prompt as an administrator:
Current S models | Current E models |
Room Alert 32S | Room Alert 32E |
Room Alert 12S | Room Alert 12E |
Room Alert 4E | |
Room Alert 3E | |
Current S models | Current E models |
Room Alert 32S | Room Alert 32E |
Room Alert 12S | Room Alert 12E |
Room Alert 3S | Room Alert 4E |
Room Alert 3E | |
Room Alert 3W |