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How To Set Up Email In Device ManageR

You may view a video demonstration of setting up email in Device ManageR below:

The most common type of alert notification to use in Device ManageR is an email (or email-to-SMS) message. In order to send email from Device ManageR, you must first configure your mail server.

To set up your mail server in Device ManageR, please follow these steps:

Setting Up Your Primary Mail Server

Do not enclose email or email-to-SMS addresses in angle brackets (<>).

1. Open Device ManageR in your web browser. You may open it by entering ‘localhost:8080’ or ‘<IP address of host system>:8080’ in your browser’s address bar.

2. Select Settings in the navigation bar to the left.

3. Then select SMTP Email from the Settings menu.

4. Under Primary Mail Server, enter the following:

-In Mail Server IP or DNS Name, enter your mail server’s domain name or IP address.

-In Port Number, you may leave the default, 25, a commonly-used port, or enter the port that your mail server uses.

-Typically, you may leave SMTP Timeout at the default, 15 seconds.

-If your mail server uses SSL or TLS encryption, check the appropriate box: Use SSL or Use TLS. Otherwise, leave those boxes blank.

-In From (Return) Mail Address, enter the email address you want alert notifications to come from.

-If your mail server requires login credentials, enter the Username and Password for the From (Return) address. Otherwise, leave those fields blank.

-If you wish, you may enter an address in Test Recipient Email. This address will receive a test email if you choose to send one later in the process.

5. Then select Save Settings.


6. Once you’ve saved your mail server information, you may wish to select Send Test Email to make sure you configured your settings correctly. Your Test Email Recipient will receive the test email.


Setting Up a Secondary (Backup) Mail Server

You may configure a backup mail server if you wish. Device ManageR will only use this backup if an email attempt with the primary mail server fails, as it would if that mail server is temporarily unavailable or unexpectedly down.

Follow the same steps as above to configure your secondary mail server, including sending a test email to make sure it is configured correctly.

Viewing the Email Log

If you need to do any troubleshooting for email in Device ManageR, you may find the email log helpful. The email log shows the history of communication between Device ManageR and your mail server, including the contents of the emails themselves.

To view it, select View Email Log, which will download a file called ‘Email.log’ to your computer.


Sending Email Notifications

After you’ve set up and successfully tested your mail server, the next step is to enter the contact(s) that your notifications will go to. For more information, please see the next FAQ, How to Create and Edit Contacts in Device ManageR.

Room Alert is Made in the USA, ships worldwide from our locations in the US and EU, and has been protecting facilities since 1988.

You may find Windows Command Prompt at the following path:

  • Windows 7 & 8
    Start--> All Programs--> Accessories--> Command Prompt
  • Windows 10
    Start--> All Apps--> Windows System--> Command Prompt

To run Windows Command Prompt as an administrator:

  • Windows 7 & 8
    Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
  • Windows 10
    Right-click on Command Prompt, select More and then select Run as administrator.

Example Polling Method Properties saved in Orion SolarWinds:

If you are using this client, you should configure the general SNMPv3 Credentials, but leave the Read / Write SNMPv3 Credentials section blank.

Room Alert Link- Supported Firmware Updates

Current S modelsCurrent E models
Room Alert 32SRoom Alert 32E
Room Alert 12SRoom Alert 12E
Room Alert 4E
Room Alert 3E

Room Alert Manager - Compatible Devices

The latest version of Room Alert Manager supports only the devices below.

It does not support any legacy Room Alert or TemPageR models.

Current S modelsCurrent E models
Room Alert 32SRoom Alert 32E
Room Alert 12SRoom Alert 12E
Room Alert 3SRoom Alert 4E
Room Alert 3E
Room Alert 3W