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Protecting your facility against downtime, and keeping the people in your facility healthy and safe, is key to your business continuity plan.
Recently, environmental concerns beyond just high heat, power loss, water leaks and more have jumped to the forefront for organizations that depend on their facilities to offer services, such as schools, hospitals, government installations and more. The health and well-being of your employees, tenants, students, and patrons have become more important than ever before.
To help our customers safely disinfect and sanitize their facilities, AVTECH will be offering the new Mobile UV System. The Mobile UV System is a new portable and affordable device that offers air and surface sterilization through the use of Germicidal UV (GUV) lamps. Its compact design is based on larger devices priced at $100,000 used by hospital operating rooms, although at a fraction of that cost. Organizations can use the Mobile UV System in conjunction with standard cleaning procedures to help disinfect areas such as:
The Mobile UV System is designed to be brought into a room after it has been cleaned. There is no special training or certification needed to operate the device; by simply setting a timer based on the room size, the Mobile UV System begins disinfecting the room after 2 minutes have passed (to allow the person setting the timer to exit the room).
The ultraviolet light emitted by the Mobile UV System helps to kill bacteria and inactivate viruses when combined with thorough cleaning. Let your customers, patients, tenants and more know how much you value their well-being by incorporating the Mobile UV System into your disinfecting and sterilization schedule.
There are a number of devices and systems that utilize UV light to perform various tasks. The Mobile UV System uses UV-C light to help sanitize and sterilize facilities to promote the well-being and health of the people in your facilities.
Organizations that use the Mobile UV System will be reassured to know that the UV-C technology administers a dose of 22mJ/cm2 at 3m distance from the unit, at a run time of 15 minutes. This dosage is recommended by the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory at Boston University to help inactivate SARS-CoV-2.
UV-C light is also FDA-approved to help sterilize and disinfect surfaces, and is proven to have 99.9% effectiveness in killing microbes. Unlike UV-A or UV-B light, both of which are found in nature, UV-C light acts quickly in an enclosed space to kill and inactivate bacteria and viruses. Since UV-C light can be mildly harmful to humans, the Mobile UV System is designed to activate after it has been set in place, and the employees in charge of the system have safely moved out of the room.
Any organization that cares about the health and well-being of the people who are in their facilities will strongly benefit from using the Mobile UV System as part of their overall cleaning and sanitizing program. Here are just a few examples of how organizations that rely on deep cleaning and sanitizing can immediately introduce the Mobile UV System.
Schools and Educational Facilities – Families and communities are rightfully concerned about the health of their students, teachers, administrators, and support staff. The Mobile UV System can easily be wheeled into classrooms, restrooms, entrances and common areas nightly to help disinfect surfaces before students and staff return the next day.
Hotels and Restaurants – As patrons venture out for food or extended stays due to work or vacation, the Mobile UV System’s UV-C light will help you disinfect your rooms, dining areas, elevators, restrooms and more giving your guests peace of mind while also giving you a strong competitive advantage.
Medical – Patients rely on the cleanliness of your facilities when they are visiting for appointments. The Mobile UV System will help you reassure patients and customers that you are taking the most advanced step possible to protect their well being, and keep them healthy in areas in your facility.
Offices and Professional Organizations – As your staff slowly returns to the workplace, and your customers enter your building, letting them know that you use the Mobile UV System daily to kill bacteria and inactivate viruses will allow them to feel confident and safe in your facility.
Customers in service industries, medical and educational fields and more are prime candidates to implement the new Mobile UV System. By sterilizing your rooms after they’ve been thoroughly cleaned, you are showing your commitment to peoples health and safety.
Hotels and restaurants can advertise the steps they are taking to protect their patrons, while schools and higher ed campuses can help reassure students and their loved ones that they are doing everything possible to keep them healthy.
To learn more about the Mobile UV System, please contact us today at or 401.628.1600.
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