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Imagine you are about to start shopping in a store when you notice that it is too warm. There are clothes you want to try on, and other aisles you want to go down but the discomfort is strong enough that you decide to get out as quickly as possible. Not only did that business miss out on a potential sale but also that high temperature can lead to heat-related illnesses which pose a serious safety concern. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) requires employers to create an environment that is “free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious harm.” Whether you are concerned with customer comfort or mandated to follow OSHA guidance, Room Alert is the most effective and affordable solution for monitoring customer comfort in department stores, convenience stores, supermarkets, restaurants, warehouses and more. Keeping customers comfortable with Room Alert will help you maintain a safe environment where customers want to spend their time and money.
Customer comfort is a crucial part of the customer experience and it refers to the physical comfort of your customers while they are on your premises. Customer comfort is important because customers who are not comfortable are more likely to have an overall negative experience. This can negatively impact your business’s revenue as well as reputation because a customer who is uncomfortable in your store is less likely to purchase, less likely to return in the future and less likely to recommend your store to others.
Any customer-facing, retail location where people spend a considerable amount of time buying products or receiving a service should be monitoring customer comfort. This means taking control of preventable distractions and allowing your customer to focus on the products and services your business is selling. Customer comfort also helps increase customer retention, customer satisfaction and up-selling which is absolutely critical because according to Gartner, when it comes to making a purchase, 64% of people find customer experience more important than price.
Room Alert is the best in environment monitoring and can help you manage customer comfort in your facilities. The Room Alert platform consists of monitors, sensors, accessories and software that will proactively oversee all of your environmental conditions. The moment you install Room Alert hardware, Room Alert begins monitoring the temperature, humidity, heat index, flood, power, smoke and more. Then Room Alert will promptly notify you via text or email notification if a negative change in the environment occurs. These negative changes are dictated by custom thresholds that you set. Room Alert provides peace of mind and is the easiest way to ensure customer comfort.
For example, the two most significant barriers to optimal customer comfort are physical comfort and heat. The ideal temperature for increased consumer purchasing is 78 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius). You can configure your Room Alert hardware and software to notify you via text if the temperature in your retail store exceeds or drops below 78 degrees Fahrenheit. With a timely update, you and your team are able to stay in the know and take corrective action as soon as possible. Room Alert means always having eyes on-site to notify you if the conditions in your environment are negatively affecting customer comfort.
If you have any questions about managing customer comfort in your facilities with Room Alert, please contact us today through email at, through our online Live Chat service, or via phone at 401.628.1600.
You can also visit our YouTube Channel and read our articles here to learn many other reasons why you need Proactive Environment Monitoring with Room Alert.
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Current S models | Current E models |
Room Alert 32S | Room Alert 32E |
Room Alert 12S | Room Alert 12E |
Room Alert 4E | |
Room Alert 3E | |
Current S models | Current E models |
Room Alert 32S | Room Alert 32E |
Room Alert 12S | Room Alert 12E |
Room Alert 3S | Room Alert 4E |
Room Alert 3E | |
Room Alert 3W |