
Knowledge Base  /  Frequently Asked Questions  /  Room Alert

How To Troubleshoot Settings Screen Loading Issues In the Room Alert Monitor

These instructions apply to these current & legacy models only.

When the Settings screen flashes or does not load properly, a typical cause would be certain security devices such as Microsoft’s ISA proxy server or antivirus programs on your network. In order for the Settings tab to open, our program runs certain commands and pages in the background which can sometimes conflict with some antivirus programs or Internet Security Server’s configured settings.

You can attempt to check these pages by trying the following two addresses:

http://<IP address of the unit>/secure/setuprec.xml

http://<IP address of the unit>/secure/unitinfo.xml

If the pages load, you’ll see data in XML format as shown below.


If you would like Technical Support staff’s assistance in diagnosing your issue, you may save the setuprec.xml and unitinfo.xml with the following steps:

– Right-click on the page.

– Select View Source.

– Copy all the text in the page.

– Paste it into a .txt file.

You can then send the .txt files to us at

If these pages do not load, there is most likely an antivirus, proxy server, or security application that is blocking these settings pages from loading properly. Please check for any of these security measures on your network and configure them to allow background XML HTTP requests from the monitor’s IP address.

If you are still having difficulty, please follow the steps below attempting to access the ‘Settings’ screen after completing each step.

1. Completely close the web browser you are using and reload.

2. Recycle the power on the monitor.

3. Update the firmware on the monitor. Please see the this FAQ for instructions: How To Update Firmware On Room Alert Monitors.

Room Alert is Made in the USA, ships worldwide from our locations in the US and EU, and has been protecting facilities since 1988.

You may find Windows Command Prompt at the following path:

  • Windows 7 & 8
    Start--> All Programs--> Accessories--> Command Prompt
  • Windows 10
    Start--> All Apps--> Windows System--> Command Prompt

To run Windows Command Prompt as an administrator:

  • Windows 7 & 8
    Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
  • Windows 10
    Right-click on Command Prompt, select More and then select Run as administrator.

Example Polling Method Properties saved in Orion SolarWinds:

If you are using this client, you should configure the general SNMPv3 Credentials, but leave the Read / Write SNMPv3 Credentials section blank.

Room Alert Link- Supported Firmware Updates

Current S modelsCurrent E models
Room Alert 32SRoom Alert 32E
Room Alert 12SRoom Alert 12E
Room Alert 4E
Room Alert 3E

Room Alert Manager - Compatible Devices

The latest version of Room Alert Manager supports only the devices below.

It does not support any legacy Room Alert or TemPageR models.

Current S modelsCurrent E models
Room Alert 32SRoom Alert 32E
Room Alert 12SRoom Alert 12E
Room Alert 3SRoom Alert 4E
Room Alert 3E
Room Alert 3W

Current & Legacy Room Alert "E" Models

Current ModelsLegacy Models
Room Alert 32ERoom Alert 32W
Room Alert 12ERoom Alert 26W
Room Alert 4ERoom Alert 24E
Room Alert 3ERoom Alert 11E
Room Alert 7E
TemPageR 4E
TemPageR 3E