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Heatwaves and Wildfire Risks: The Weather Outlook for Canada’s Summer 2024

Just a couple of months ago, we discussed the Farmer’s Almanac’s forecast for 2024. According to their predictions, 2024 is on track to bring about the hottest summer recorded for much of the United States and Canada. As the official start of summer is truly right around the corner now, Canadians should be anticipating warmer weather and the risks that come with it. This year, The Weather Network has released its summer forecast, providing valuable insights into the specifics of what to expect in Canada. From temperature predictions to precipitation trends, here’s an in-depth look at the summer 2024 weather forecast for Canada.

National Overview

Throughout June, July and August, most of Canada will see warmer-than-normal temperatures, fewer rainy days than the typical summer, and more sunshine than normal during the upcoming season. This high heat without regular rain could easily result in drought, a heightened risk for wildfires and poor air quality. Now is a critical time for those in Canada to prepare.

Temperature & Precipitation Outlook

Western Canada:

  • British Columbia: Above-average temperatures, especially in the interior, increasing wildfire risks.
  • Alberta: Warmer-than-usual summer expected, heightening wildfire concerns in northern and central areas.

Prairie Provinces:

  • Saskatchewan and Manitoba: Generally above-normal temperatures with occasional cooler spells.

Central Canada:

  • Ontario: Warm spells and heatwaves likely in southern regions; northern areas milder.
  • Quebec: Warm summer with frequent hot days, especially in the south.

Atlantic Canada:

  • Maritime Provinces: Varied conditions with both warm periods and cooler spells influenced by the Atlantic.

Northern Canada:

  • Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut: Warmer-than-average summer, accelerating ice melt and permafrost thaw.

The vast majority of Canada can anticipate near-normal or below-normal rain totals for the season.

Preparedness Tips

In order to be properly prepared for the 2024 weather forecast, it is important to:

  1. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with local weather forecasts and alerts from The Weather Network and other reliable sources. This is particularly important for areas at risk of extreme conditions such as heatwaves or wildfires.
  2. Plan for Heat: In regions expecting above-average temperatures, ensure you have an appropriate plan to stay safe. Look to government agencies such as the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) for a wealth of resources, expertise, and training to address various, weather-related occupational health and safety challenges.
  3. Flood Awareness: In areas forecasted to receive above-normal precipitation, be prepared for potential flooding. Ensure your business continuity plan takes these potential threats into account.

The Weather Network’s summer 2024 forecast for Canada highlights a season of contrasts, with significant regional variations in temperature and precipitation. From the warm, dry conditions expected in British Columbia and Alberta to the mixed conditions in Atlantic Canada, residents across the country should prepare for a range of weather scenarios. By staying informed and taking proactive measures, you can make the most of the summer season while staying safe and protected from extreme weather conditions.

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