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AVTECH Device ManageR Release Notes AVTECH Device ManageR v6.3.6 Released 4 May 2018

AVTECH Device ManageR is available for download at


May 4, 2018
  • Resolved an issue that could allow file system access through an API link.
  • Removed button for device registration since this is no longer required.
  • To comply with updated privacy standards, removed a convenience button that could send log files to Technical Support .


April 5, 2018
  • Added support for Digital Active Power sensors.
  • Added alert configuration instructions for Digital Active Power sensors.
  • Updated digital sensor clear thresholds to align more closely with those in Room Alert firmware.
    • Digital Temperature and Heat Index (Fahrenheit): > or < 1 Fahrenheit degree from alert threshold.
    • Digital Temperature and Heat Index (Celsius): > or < 1 Celsius degree from alert threshold.
    • Digital Humidity: > or < 1% from alert threshold.
    • Digital Analog (Volts and Custom Scale): > or < 0.10V from alert threshold.
    • Digital Active Power: 0V from alert threshold.
  • Updated ‘Help’ page links.
  • Updated footer with logo and link.
  • Improved handling of camera resolution to resolve an issue that could prevent Axis camera images from being displayed and emailed.


December 23, 2016
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent analog sensors from displaying correctly on graphs.
  • Updated our SMTP email library to better support mail servers that do not accept the EHLO header.
  • Added ability to use degree symbol in alert/action names and text.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause alerts on analog voltage readings not to trigger as expected.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent Axis snapshots from properly getting attached to emails.
  • Improved back-end logging for troubleshooting with technical support.


December 9, 2015
  • Improved the reliability of Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi network discovery.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause discovered Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi monitors to show as online a long time after being unplugged.
  • Added the ability to toggle the status of light towers connected to Room Alert 3E monitors via a Light Tower Adapter (LTA).
  • Resolved an issue that could cause data exported to a CSV file to display incorrectly if a LTA was connected to a Room Alert 3E.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause column headers to be identified incorrectly with certain combinations of sensors connected to Room Alert 3E monitors.
  • Added support for showing the status of the connected light tower on a Room Alert 3E on the Graphing page.
  • Improved how support requests submitted through the ‘Help’ page are handled, making it easier to identify that the request has been sent and what should be expected for next steps.
  • Improved how new alerts are configured for Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi monitors, making it clear what sensors are connected and supported for alerting.
  • Updated application logging to reduce extraneous messages, making it easier for Support to diagnose customer issues and questions.
  • Removed a link to a Frequently Asked Question about registering devices, since this is no longer necessary.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause HTTP and ICMP Pings to work inconsistently.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent SMTP email from working properly on mail servers that required TLS and were sending mail to a different domain. This issue presented itself as a, “Could not convert socket to TLS” error message.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause SMTP email to not send if the username field was left blank, even if the mail server did not require authentication.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a double ‘v’ in the version number for Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi monitors in the discovered devices list.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent images from Axis network cameras to not appear properly in Device ManageR if the camera was running a recent camera firmware version, since newer versions of the camera firmware support different image resolutions.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a Room Alert monitor to be discovered properly, but no valid sensor data would appear.
  • Updated the link to the Frequently Asked Question regarding advanced TCP discovery options.


August 5, 2015
  • Added support for updating firmware on Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi monitors.
  • Added the email username to Email.log output to help diagnose email authentication issues.
  • Updated the timestamps used in logging, alert notifications and CSV exports so they display consistently throughout the application.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause too many decimal digits to appear in the progress bar for TCP discovery scans.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent alert drop-down from appearing for Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi monitors when a Temp/Analog Sensor is connected.
  • Resolved an issue that could allow Guest users to export data from all devices, even if the devices were not in their whitelist.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing device disconnected alerts from clearing when the device or sensor was reconnected.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing the substitution keywords from appearing for alert notifications.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing Device ManageR to use the SSL/TLS setting from the primary mail server for the secondary mail server also.
  • Updated logging output to translate product codes into textual descriptions to make it easier to identify product types in log files.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent users with spaces in their username from logging in.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Ping Alerts for devices that are ‘UP’ to generate false alarms while the device was ‘DOWN’.
  • Corrected some spelling errors in the logging output.
  • Resolved an issue that could sometimes prevent sensor data from properly loading for Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi monitors.
  • Updated the HTTP client library used to retrieve JSON data from Room Alert devices.


May 19, 2015
  • Added the ability to configure the timeout in seconds for SMTP email connections.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the installer to overwrite custom configured discovery timeouts when upgrading between versions.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause email notifications to fail for mail servers that required TLS but did not require a username and password.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause email notifications to attempt to use the NTLM authentication method, which is not currently supported by Device ManageR.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause valid JSON sent from a device to be read as invalid, eventually causing Device ManageR to think the device is offline when it is in fact still online and sending valid sensor data.


March 3, 2015
  • Added support for AVTECH’s new Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi. To learn more about the Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi, please click here.
  • Added support for true ICMP Ping monitors, in addition to the already existing HTTP, TCP and UDP network service monitors. Now, Device ManageR can perform a true ‘ping’ of any IP address on the network to determine if it is online and responding.
  • Improved performance when large numbers of alerts are configured, allowing alerts to be checked and notifications sent significantly faster.
  • Improved logging to make it easier to determine what method was used to discover devices, to help diagnose and resolve device discovery issues.
  • Added JSON data received from devices to the logging output, to help diagnose and resolve issues related to device push or sensor data display.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the HTTP port to be reset to the default of 8080 on upgrade or reinstallation. The user configured setting should be retained.
  • Updated the default email text used for device disconnected notifications to include the alert duration / elapsed time.
  • Increased the default timeout for Auto Discovery and Data Refresh to twenty (20) seconds.
  • Improved logging by translating device type codes into more readable names to help identify device types output in log files.
  • Added support for using TLS with SMTP email without requiring user account credentials.
  • Added support for using TLS with SMTP email without SSL enabled.
  • Added the ‘TM’ symbol next to AVTECH trademarks where appropriate.
  • Improved the help text for Email Support.
  • Updated the installer to ensure previous versions are removed from the Windows Programs list when a new version is installed.
  • Resolved a typo on the advanced discovery screen.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented changes to the TCP timeout setting from being persisted.
  • Resolved an issue that could result in a large volume of ‘disconnected’ alert emails by not allowing ‘0’ to be entered in the ‘Alarm if item is unavailable for X scans’ field.
  • Removed references to Maintenance Support & Update Service (MSUS) since this is now covered through GoToMyDevices.


September 15, 2014
  • Added support for private certificates when connecting to SMTP servers via SSL or TLS.
  • Added a link to to the left side of the Device ManageR footer.
  • Improved the ‘Contact Tech Support’ button so it will forward both the ‘conf’ and ‘log’ folders to AVTECH Technical Support.
  • Resolved an issue with an API link that could allow file retrieval for files outside of the Device ManageR installation directory.
  • Resolved various issues with Monitored Network Devices and performed extensive testing to ensure that alerts are triggered properly when network devices are detected to be ‘down’.
  • Resolved an issue regarding heat index alerts for the Room Alert 32W.


July 18, 2014
  • Added the ability to show Temperature & Analog Sensors connected to WiSH and WiSPR Sensors.
  • Added the ability to toggle the internal relay on the Room Alert 12E using the ‘Toggle Light Tower’ Action.
  • Added the ability to toggle Light Towers connected to a Room Alert 12E via Light Tower Adapter (LTA) using the ‘Toggle Light Tower’ Action.
  • Added the ability to trigger Alerts based on the custom value configured for an Analog Sensor.
  • Added the ability to trigger Alerts based on the custom value configured for the Analog portion of a Temperature & Analog Sensor.
  • Added the ability for any custom analog value to appear in email notifications sent in response to Alerts.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the high and low readings from appearing for the internal Analog Sensors on a Room Alert 32E/W.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented toggling the internal relay on a Room Alert 12E by clicking it from the Sensor Display page.
  • Improved the display of Heat Index values so they show in the user’s configured temperature scale, instead of always in Fahrenheit.
  • Improved the alert configuration options for internal Analog Sensors by not allowing users to configure Alerts for internal Analog Sensors if they have been disabled on Room Alert.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the CSV export from being formatted properly when a LTA was connected.
  • Updated the Alert Logging CSV export so it uses a time format that is consistent with the sensor data logs and does not require reformatting before viewing in Excel.
  • Resolved issues with line spacing in some of the dialogs that can appear during the installation process.


May 16, 2014
  • Resolved an issue that could cause an error to appear during an upgrade installation if the embedded database was too large. The installer was attempting to create a zip archive of the existing database, which caused a memory error if the directory was larger than 2GB. The installer now simply copies the directory before upgrading rather than creating a zip archive.
  • Corrected the link to ‘Live Chat’ found on the Help page.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause two EXE files to be created in the install directory.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause analog sensor values to always be reported as ‘0.0’ in email alert notifications.
  • Updated email notifications to ensure that email settings are refreshed prior to sending new emails.


April 23, 2014
  • Added support for Windows Server 2008.
  • Added support for Windows Server 2012.
  • Added support for Windows 8.
  • Improved TLS and SSL compatibility with email servers. Previously, TLS was only possible if SSL was also enabled. Now, TLS can be used independently from SSL and is confirmed to work properly with all common mail servers.
  • Ping alerts have been rebranded as Network Service Monitors. This more accurately describes the intended functionality, since Network Service Monitors may be used to monitor for services running on TCP, UDP and HTTP sockets across the network.
  • Added support for the Digital Temperature & Analog Sensor.
  • Added support for displaying custom analog sensor readings if configured.
  • Updated the embedded database to the most recent version available, which increases the reliability of the database and reduces the chance of database corruption during unexpected system power down or reboot.
  • Added a feature to the installer that will automatically back up an existing database prior to upgrading.
  • Added a feature to the installer that will automatically back up the Device ManageR configuration to a zip file prior to upgrading.
  • Updated the embedded web server to the most recent version available, which adds a number of security and performance improvements.
  • Added a ‘Contact Tech Support’ button to the ‘Help’ screen. This will automatically create a new support ticket with AVTECH’s Technical Support Team, and will automatically attach log files for review. This will allow our team to respond much more quickly to an issue without having to first ask for additional log files from Device ManageR.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the ‘Query’ menu to not show for Table Dashboard Widgets.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Room Alert 3E to not appear in the list of possible ‘Relay / Signal Tower’ action lists.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented ‘255’ from being entered in the second and third octet of IP addresses during advanced discovery ofspecific IP addresses or IP address ranges.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause an issue saving sensor data for a device if there was an ampersand (&) in the sensor label.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause TCP Socket tests to report a false failure. This was caused because Device ManageR was expecting any TCP Socket monitored to echo back any data transmitted to it. This is not valid for all TCP Sockets, so now Device ManageR simply checks for a basic socket connection and will only check for data if a user specifically enters values in the ‘Message’ and ‘Response’ fields.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause some devices to report as ‘Online’ after they were physically removed from the network.


May 7, 2013
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent firmware from being updated on Room Alert 12E devices.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause firmware for one type of device to be uploaded to another type of device.
  • Improved the logging output for firmware updates.


April 25, 2013
  • Resolved an issue that could cause an existing Alert to be deleted if a user modified an Action/Notification List that was shared between it and other Alerts.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause an existing Contact to be edited instead of adding a new Contact if the new Contact was added from an Action configuration screen.


April 2, 2013
  • Added support for AVTECH’s new Room Alert 12E monitor.
  • Added support for AVTECH’s new Temp/Analog Sensors. These will be released soon and will connect to any Room Alert monitor via the digital sensor channels.
  • Improved the validation on the email field for Contacts to be sure only a single email address is entered per Contact.
  • Improved the handling of the Web Server Port setting so the port can only be set to valid TCP ports on the host system that do not conflict with other ports used by Device ManageR.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the Web Server Port to not update until the Device ManageR service was restarted. Device ManageR now automatically restarts its web server to use the new port.


February 11, 2013
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Scheduled Tasks to not execute. This could impact features such as the Reporting Plugin that are scheduled to run at specific times. This is now resolved and all Scheduled Tasks will execute according to the configured schedule.
  • Improved how Alerts are handled if they are modified while in progress. Previously, modifying an Alert that was in progress would result in no further Actions taking place for that Alert. Now, if an Alert is modified while in progress, it will be cleared and checked again on the next discovery interval. This will allow Actions to resume according to the modified Action / Notification List.
  • Added support for sending email with TLS enabled without SSL. Previously, TLS was supported through the ‘Use SSL’ option. In this latest release, SSL and TLS options can be enabled separately to support an even wider range of email server configurations.


December 13, 2012
  • Added significant improvements to the ‘DB_Updater’ utility included with Device ManageR. In previous versions, this utility was used to update the database used by Device ManageR when the structure changed due to version updates. Now it can also be used to migrate data to external databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server, even if Device ManageR is unable to start for some reason. In addition, the utility can be used to change the HTTP Port used by Device ManageR in the event of a port conflict on the host system.
  • Improved the validation performed on the fields used when performing a manual scan for devices via an IP Address range.
  • Added detail to the email log files to help diagnose email issues.
  • Improved the way Action / Notification Lists are processed to ensure that clear actions are only performed if an alert action that is configured was performed first.
  • Modified the device details to display the IP address included with the getdata output from the device, rather than the IP that the data originated from. This now shows the actual IP address of the device instead of the WAN IP of the network it is on when devices are located remotely.
  • Improved how devices are handled when they are configured for ‘Push’. If a device is added to Device ManageR via ‘Push’, it will no longer attempt to retrieve the device data from the device. This could cause devices to not appear if they were pushing data from a remote location that was inaccessible to Device ManageR.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent decimal threshold from being configured for Analog Sensors on the first save.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a device to appear in the list of devices with log data to export even after the log data was reset for that device.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Device ManageR to retrieve data from a device twice during every scan if it was discovered automatically and also by a manual scan.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the ‘Set IP’ function from working properly.


October 29, 2012
  • Added support for AVTECH’s new Room Alert 3E monitor.
  • Updated the product image used for Room Alert 4E monitors.
  • Updated the default email alert text to include the [ALERT_ELAPSED] keyword. This automatically inserts the amount of time that the alert has been in progress.
  • Increased the default discovery timeout from three (3) seconds to ten (10) seconds.


August 10, 2012
  • Added support for displaying the custom calculated sensor scale for sensors connected to the Analog Sensor inputs on a Room Alert 32W.
  • Added a new substitution keyword, [ALARM_ELAPSED], that will be replaced with the total elapsed time that the alarm has been in progress when used in alert notifications.
  • Added support in the Settings Screen for modifying how often Device ManageR will retrieve updated sensor data from devices. In previous versions, this was hard coded to fifteen (15) seconds.
  • Added support for the Java 1.7 JRE.
  • Added support for monitoring Schroff Technologies Shelter Cooling Systems when connected to a Room Alert 32W.


June 25, 2012
  • Added two new substitution keywords, [NOTIF_TEXT] and [NOTIF_SUBJECT], that allow the alert and clear notification body and subject text to be used in plugin actions like GSM Text and Voice Dialout plugins. When configuring these plugin actions, users can use the new substitution keywords to use the alert and clear text defined in the related Alert.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause devices and categories to display multiple times on the Device Summary screen.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Device ManageR to prompt for credentials multiple times if the password was changed on a previously discovered and configured Axis network camera.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause an invalid device name and MAC address to display for Axis network cameras if the configured name was unable to be retrieved via the Bonjour protocol.


May 11, 2012
  • Updated the web interface so clicking ‘Device Status’ will return users to the default Dashboard view.
  • Increased the default timeout used for SMTP email connections from five seconds to fifteen seconds. This is also configurable by users although the increased default should now work for virtually all email configurations.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause ‘Push’ requests sent from Room Alert and TemPageR devices to fail if user accounts were configured in Device ManageR.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause dashboard widgets to update too frequently, consuming slightly more memory than needed.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the substitution keywords selection screen from displaying when editing alert text if the Reporting Plugin was not installed.
  • Increased the timeout used when retrieving sensor data from devices. When devices are installed in remote locations or on slow network connections, the previous timeout could cause some devices to periodically appear offline.
  • Improved the display of the ‘Copy Existing Widget’ drop down dialog when editing dashboard settings. This dialog now has a scroll bar to allow easy selection of existing widgets.
  • Added the widget type to the ‘Copy Existing Widget’ drop down dialog to make it easier to identify what type of widget is being selected.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the built-in relay outputs on the Room Alert 32E from being selected in the Toggle Signal Tower / Relay Action configuration.


March 20, 2012
  • Added a new ‘Device Registration’ feature to the Help screen. This allows users to register their discovered devices with AVTECH to enable advanced features such as updates regarding Maintenance Support & Update Service (MSUS), notifications in Device ManageR for firmware updates and much more.
  • Added a light gray gradient to the Statistics Widget to improve the display and make it easier to read.
  • Modified the width of the Statistics Widget so it is now consistent with the Table and Graph Widgets.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the database used for logging and alerting to not update properly if an external database was configured.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause users configured prior to v5.0.0 to not be updated properly to support the new Dashboard feature.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the Alert Count to be calculated incorrectly if an external database was configured.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause email messages to fail to send because we were expecting a strict NOOP response from the mail server. Checking for the NOOP response is now optional.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause only the first five sensors on a device to be displayed in the Sensor Reading Statistics Widget.
  • Resolved an issue with the format of the readings displayed in the Sensor Reading Statistics Widget if Celsius was configured.
  • Resolved an issue with the format of humidity readings in the Sensor Reading Statistics Widget.
  • Improved the timeout settings for Dial Out Voice and Dial Out Text plugins to allow calls to end faster.
  • Resolved an issue with the exporting sensor data for Room Alert 11E devices that could cause the order of switch sensors to be incorrect.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the editing of Dashboards to not display properly after previously saving Dashboard settings.
  • Added a new button to test Dial Out Voice settings. Previously, only Dial Out Text could be tested from the Settings screen.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the graph data from displaying for Room Alert 32E/W devices if an external signal tower was enabled.
  • Added the Light Tower Adapter (LTA) built-in relay to the main sensor display and the graphing and sensor export data for a Room Alert 32E/W.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent Analog Sensor data from being exported properly for Room Alert 32E/W monitors.
  • Updated the Graph Widget so it displays the previously configured device and sensor if the sensor or device is was using is offline.


February 27, 2012
  • Improved the Optional Schedule configuration so the screen automatically scrolls when time ranges are added that extend beyond the current window.
  • Improved the email alert configuration to allow blank subjects for both the alert and clear email notification messages.
  • Improved the TCP and UDP Ping objects to increase the accuracy of the monitors when the ports being monitored are unavailable.
  • Improved the display of Dashboard Widgets so it will allow existing data to display while it is in the process of loading new data.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a connected Signal Tower to not display on the Device ManageR interface for a Room Alert 4E.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause devices to not be discovered properly because of a conflict with the Windows Script plugin if installed.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause actions to not execute or log properly for alerts monitoring Pings and using the [CURRENT_VALUE] keyword in the notification text.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Device ManageR to not start up properly if the Dashboard view was started before the database connections were fully initialized.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Device ManageR to not start if users created prior to v5.0.0 were not updated properly to support the new Dashboard view during the initial upgrade process.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause unexpected scrolling behavior on the new email alert text edit screen.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the digital sensor threshold value to be displayed on the line after the operator field.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause changes to Dashboard Widgets to not be saved properly.
  • Resolved a display issue that could cause the values on the left side of a Graph Widget to be cut off slightly by the Widget border.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing the contents of a Widget from turning gray while in the process of saving.
  • Resolved a display issue on the ‘About’ screen.
  • Reduced the amount of tracing generated by the Dashboard view.


February 17, 2012
  • Added a new Dashboard view to the main Device ManageR screen. In prior versions, the first screen displayed when Device ManageR loaded was a summary of the currently discovered devices. With this new release, a Dashboard view will allow users to configure an unlimited number of ‘Widgets’ that display information about Device ManageR. Widgets include graphs that update with current sensor values, tables that can show values like the Average, Max and Min values for sensors on a device, tables showing the Top 5 Sensors or Top 5 Devices with Alerts and much, much more.
  • Improved the Notification Alert Text entry to make it easier to type and edit custom notification messages. Previously, editing was performed in two small field that made it difficult to see the entire message being edited. These field have now been moved to a larger stand-alone window that more closely resembles an ‘Email Compose’ window, making it much easier to view and edit notification text.
  • Added a new device ‘POST’ capability that allows AVTECH monitors to pro-actively send sensor data to Device ManageR instead of waiting for Device ManageR to query sensor values. Upcoming firmware releases for AVTECH monitors will include a new option to send sensor data to an IP address where Device ManageR is installed at regular intervals. Because the devices are sending data out, this helps to reduce the challenges encountered with firewalls when accessing devices at remote sites. Contact AVTECH to learn more about this exciting new feature.
  • Added the ability to modify Alerts when the device the Alert references is not available on the network. Previously, Alerts could only be edited if the device it was monitoring was currently accessible.
  • Added the ability to query the current MSUS expire date for each device currently discovered by Device ManageR. Devices can be sorted by expiration date in the Discovered Devices list, allowing users to view and prioritize upcoming or pending MSUS renewals.
  • Added the ability to save ‘<‘ and ‘>’ characters in the any Description field in Device ManageR.
  • Added support for toggling the second LTA output on the Room Alert 32E monitors via Actions.
  • Added support for toggling the internal relay outputs on the Room Alert 32E monitors via Actions.
  • Added the current sensor value when an Alert is triggered and when it clears to the exported Alert data.
  • Added a setting to restrict the size of the log file created by Device ManageR to prevent it from growing too large.
  • Added the ability to update the username and password stored for Axis network cameras. Previously, if the username and password for a camera was changed on the camera, it could prevent Device ManageR from accessing it properly.
  • Because Actions that use the dial out modems can take longer to complete, it was previously possible for users to continue receiving Dial Out Text and Dial Out Voice alerts after the Alert had cleared. This has been improved so the current status of the Alert is checked prior to each individual Dial Out notification. In addition, only users who actually received an Alert notification will receive a Clear notification.
  • Improved how devices are manually added to the discovered devices list so they show up more quickly. Previously, it could take one or two scan intervals before devices that were added manually would appear in the list of discovered devices.
  • Updated the device discovery function for AVTECH devices to support new features added in recent and upcoming firmware updates.
  • Updated the email engine used by Device ManageR to better support SSL and TLS options.
  • Modified the way users can sort the list of Discovered Devices. Previously, multiple labels were displayed that could be clicked to sort by items such as ‘Name’, ‘IP’, ‘MAC’, etc. These options are now presented in a drop down list, allowing for more sort options than were available previously.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the ‘Set IP’ command to fail for certain devices.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause devices removed from the discovered devices list to reappear if many devices were removed rapidly.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause sensor data to not update properly if unexpected characters were found in the getdata.json file.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause sensor labels to not be logged properly if they contained certain characters.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the alert status icon to still show a red ‘X’ after the Alert is disabled by a user.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause graph data to be invalid for Room Alert 11E units if only one digital sensor was connected and the data was received via the new POST method.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause errors saving Action/Notification Lists if it was referenced by multiple Alerts that were in progress.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause UDP port pings to always report with and ‘Up’ status.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a Ping Device to always show a green status icon if an Alert was not configured for it. The icon now shows the status of the device (Up or Down), or the status of the Alert if configured.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the ‘Page’ field to show ‘Null’ on the device pop-ups for TCP or UDP pings.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the ‘Use SSL’ checkbox to display unchecked when it should be checked for email settings.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the internal relay outputs on a Room Alert 32E to only appear if a LTA was connected and enabled.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the sensor status to be logged incorrectly for sensor and device disconnect alerts.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause available COM ports to not be visible unless the DOT plugin was installed.


September 19, 2011
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent sensors for specific devices from being selected when configuring new Alerts. Editing previously created Alerts was not affected.
  • Added support for additional signal tower status lables to the Alerts list. This allows values of 0 and 1 to be translated to OFF and ON.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Ping Devices to not display correctly if HTML data was entered in the ‘Message’ or ‘Response’fields of the Ping configuration.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent Signal Towers from being shown as ‘Connected’ when editing an Alert.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause device categories to display as ‘null’ when Device ManageR was first opened.
  • Increased the timeout for Manual Discovery Scans to five (5) seconds instead of two (2) to more reliably discover devices across slower connections.


September 16, 2011


June 30, 2011
  • Improved the email logging capability to more easily identify unique issues sending email on some email servers.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the Test Email dialog to appear to hang if a response was not received in a timely manner.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent discovered devices from going offline properly. This could also cause devices to not reappear properly unless manually removed and added back to the device list.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented Heat Index from being monitored in Fahrenheit (F). Previously, only Celsius Heat Index was displayed.


June 10, 2011
  • Added a validation feature that automatically removes invalid characters from the data retrieved from devices. This allows sensor values to be updated even when other parts of the retrieved data contains invalid data. Previously, the entire data packet was discarded.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause disabled Scheduled Tasks to continue to run.
  • Added improved logging support for the Dial Out Voice plugin.
  • Modified the order of the devices in the Reporting plugin so all devices show in ascending order by AVTECH model number.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause an extra escape character to be inserted into data exported from the database.
  • Resolved an issue that caused an incorrect escape character to be used with PostgreSQL databases.


March 4, 2011
  • Added scroll bars to the Help section on the Settings screen to allow for more descriptive help text.
  • Added a scroll bar to the Keywords dialog that appears for Alert and Reporting text so the expanded list of available Keywords is displayed properly.
  • Due to changes in the underlying database structure, exporting notifications for specific contacts has been removed.
  • Improved the help text descriptions and formatting on the Alerts and Modify Pings dialogs.
  • Improved the help text descriptions displayed on the Settings screen.
  • Improved the status text used in the Reporting Plugin for specific AVTECH devices.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the humidity to display the same value as the temperature in the status text for the Reporting Plugin.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the switch sensor status displayed in the Reporting Plugin to be the opposite of the current status.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the internal sensor on a WiSH Sensor from being displayed in the status text for the Reporting Plugin.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent previously configured Ping Devices from being deleted.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause UDP Ping Devices to continue to show a normal status when they do not respond the UDP Ping.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Scheduled Actions to output some fields as ‘NULL’ when included with data exported to CSV.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the last reading from a sensor to be not included when exporting sensor data for a specific date and time range.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause errors if the ‘&’ character was used in Name or Descriptions fields for Action/Notification Lists.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the [CURRENT_VALUE] Keyword to not be replaced properly in Alerts generated for Ping Devices.
  • Resolved an issue that allowed Optional Schedules to be deleted even if they were in use in other objects. A warning is now displayed if the user attempts to delete an Optional Schedule that is currently in use.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause logged alerts to stop updating properly if the Device ManageR service was restarted.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a TemPageR 3E device to not display graphed sensor data if a temperature sensor was not connected to Sensor Channel 2.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a TemPageR 4E device to not display graphed sensor data if a temperature sensor was not connected to Sensor Channel 4.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent users from deleting previously logged web access data.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent Alerts from being sent when an internal Flood Sensor Cable was disconnected from a Room Alert 26W.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a dialog to appear asking the user to select a NIC when only one NIC is present during the Axis Camera Add Motion Event process.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the interface to stop responding when large numbers of devices were removed from the Device Status list.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent data from being exported to an external PostgreSQL database.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause inconsistencies in the Action Types displayed in the drop-down list when configuring Alerts.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the previously configured Action Type from being displayed in the drop-down list when editing Alerts.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the Sensors drop-down list from displaying properly when ‘Add Alert’ was selected from Ping Devices.
  • Resovled an issue that could overwrite a manually typed change to an Optional Schedule time if the up or down arrow was clicked before clicking out of the time field.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the correct user priviledge level from being applied when Device ManageR is first opened.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the previously configured priviledge level from being selected when editing user accounts.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the list of whitelisted devices from being loaded when editing user accounts.
  • Resolved an issue with the display of the Alerts/Tasks tab when multiple sections were expanded simultaneously.
  • Improved the display of the Alerts/Tasks tab so previously expanded sections are automatically expanded again when a user leaves and returns to the Alerts/Tasks tab.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the firmware update progress to not display during a firmware update even though the firmware update process completed properly.
  • Resolved an issue with scrollbars that could cause multiple areas of the screen to scroll at the same time depending on the current position of the mouse cursor.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause devices selected in the Alert configuration screen to revert to the previously saved device if the Device Status list updated while configuring the Alert.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a blank error dialog to appear if incorrect entries were made on the Settings screen or during Alert configuration.
  • Resolved an issue with the date chooser that could cause inconsistent date selection results for the month of February because there are only 28 days in the month.
  • Resolved an issue with the Alerts configuration that could cause the the Device drop-down to be blank if the device was unselected and reselected.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the Sensors drop-down list to be empty if the Actions configuration was opened from the Actions/Notifications configuration screen.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the database export process from properly starting.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause device data to stop updating if there was a timeout retrieving data from another device.


February 4, 2011
  • Added support for Device Plugins. Similar to Action Plugins already available, this will allow Device ManageR to support the discovery, monitoring and alerting of many new devices, simply by installing a plugin. Additional Devices will be released and available as plugins for Device ManageR.
  • Added support for Scheduled Tasks / Actions. This will allow users to select a specific Action and configure it to execute according to a defined schedule.
  • Renamed the ‘Alerts’ tab to ‘Alerts / Tasks’ to better represent the new Scheduled Tasks feature.
  • Added logging of new Scheduled Tasks to the Alert Status section.
  • Added support for new Substitution Keywords in notification message that allow for additional Alert values and support new Reporting values.
  • Added ‘[ALERT_NAME]’ and ‘[ACTION_NOTIF]’ keywords which will display the Alert Name and Action/Notification Schedule Name respectively, for the current alert notification.
  • Added new Settings options for ‘Ping Interval’ and ‘Enable Alert Logging’.
  • Improved the loading speed of the Settings screen.
  • Updated the Alert History screen to show whether the line represents an Alert (A) or a Scheduled Task (T).
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent a manually discovered device from being removed from the Discovered Devices list if it is no longer discovered and was selected to be removed.
  • Resolved an issue with the ‘Open Ping As Link’ button which was not using the ‘Page’ attribute for HTTP Pings.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented some special characters from being used in the Name and Description fields.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the default text displayed in some drop-down fields to have incomplete data.
  • Resolved an issue with the manual TCP discovery process that could cause an error if a user attempted to restart the scan after previously cancelling it.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the web interface to lock up if the ‘Enter’ key was pressed in certain fields.


October 25, 2010
  • Resolved an issue that could cause humidity readings to display incorrectly for Room Alert units.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent an email alert notification from being logged properly if it was sent via the Secondary Mail Server.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the ‘Message’ and ‘Response’ fields from being saved properly for Ping objects.
  • Modified Actions so the result of the ‘Test’ function is displayed in the dialog that appears when the ‘Test’ button is clicked.
  • Modified the default email alert text to remove extra new line spaces.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent Alerts from being created to monitor the status of a Ping device.
  • Added the version number of Action plugins to the list of available Action types.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the web interface to not display properly if no devices were currently discovered.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented Alerts from being deleted from the ‘Configured Alerts’ screen of a selected device.
  • Added 57600 and 115200 to the list of available baud rates for ‘Dial Out Text’ and ‘GSM Text’ plugins.


September 2, 2010
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the sensor name included in an alert notification to periodically display incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the monitoring of the ping status of an Axis network camera to always be in an alarm state.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent an action from being performed properly for an Axis network camera ping monitor.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause alarm cleared notifications to not be sent properly for an Axis network camera ping monitor.
  • Resolved an issue that inserted extra new line characters into the subject and body of alert notification emails. This could cause some mail servers to misinterpret the message and not send it properly.


August 30, 2010
  • Updated the web interface to support Adobe Flash 10. This results in faster rendering of the Device ManageR interface as well as clearer font display.
  • Any web browsers being used to access Device ManageR will need to update to the Adobe Flash 10 plugin to view v3.5.0 or higher.
  • Added support for verifying whether the most recent version of an Alert Plugin is installed. If a newer version is available, Device ManageR will display a message recommending the update be installed.
  • Added support for a ‘Test’ function for Alert Plugins. Alert Plugins that support this new feature will now have an easy way to test the desired functionality without having to simulate an alert condition.
  • Added support for Alert Actions that ‘queue’ and are performed one at a time instead of all in parallel. This now makes it possible to add Alert Plugins such as Dial-Out Text that use a modem to send Alert Notifications one at a time.
  • Added support for Alert Actions that use a Telnet connection. This now makes it possible to add Alert Plugins that connect to remote systems via Telnet and perform a function such as a shutdown or reboot.
  • Added support for unique help text for each Alert Plugin. Each Alert Plugin will now include help text that is specific to the configuration of that plugin.
  • Added support for the Room Alert 4E Relay option.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent Alerts assigned to Pings from being edited.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Alerts assigned to Pings to go into an alarm state if the ping failed, even if the Alert was disabled.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the ‘Description’ of an Alert from being displayed on the ‘Configured Alerts’ page of a device.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause notifications to not be sent for certain alarm conditions if logging was disabled.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause duplicate sensors to appear in the graph display for a Room Alert 11E if certain switch or digital sensors were not enabled or connected.


July 1, 2010
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the ‘Advanced Discovery Options’ button to not appear where there are no devices discovered.
  • Resolved an issue with graphing that could produce duplicate internal sensors or fail to graph entirely when no switch sensors are enabled for the Room Alert 11E.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent Axis Cameras from being blocked from appearing in the Device Status list.
  • Resolved an issue where non-authenticated Axis Cameras are selectable for the Email Snapshot Action. Only Axis Cameras that have previously been authenticated can take snapshots using the Email Snapshot Action.
  • Resolved an issue where Room Alert 4E units with no signal tower attachments connected are selectable for the Toggle Signal Tower action.
  • Resolved an issue with logging Alerts for internal Flood Water Detection on Room Alert 26W units.
  • Resolved an issue with Alert object ‘value’ not being displayed properly for Flood Water Detection on Room Alert 26W units.
  • Resolved a display issue that could periodically cause gaps to appear in graphing lines.
  • Resolved an issue where enabling or disabling an Alert will also disable the Optional Schedule associated with that Alert.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a plugin to fail to load if the filename is missing the ‘-‘ and version number at the end of the filename.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the TCP scan to silently fail when TCP port 30718 is blocked.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause TCP scan status requests to timeout after several requests.


May 21, 2010
  • Added the ‘Modify Ping Devices…’ button to the ‘No Devices Found…’ display in the left menu. This allows Ping Devices to be configured and edited even if no other devices have currently been discovered.
  • Resolved a sorting issue with the captured Axis image display that caused the images to be sorted inconsistently.
  • Improved the text that is displayed when the HTTP port is modified in the Settings and increased the HTTP port redirection timeout to automatically redirect the page to the new HTTP port after ten seconds.
  • Resolved an issue with horizontal scrolling in the Alert configuration.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause random small gaps to appear in sections of graphed sensor data.
  • Resolved an issue with Optional Schedules applied to Alerts that could cause the selected day to not be processed properly.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Action settings to be deleted when attempting to enable or disable the Action from the Alerting screen.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented Axis cameras from being added to the blocked devices list.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented certain models of Axis cameras from being manually added to the discovered devices list.
  • Improved the logging for Action plugins so status messages are logged to the database properly.


April 22, 2010
  • Added support for ‘Actions’ in response to Alerts. Previously, only email notifications were supported. Version 3.0.0 introduces Action Plugins with ‘Email Contact’, ‘Toggle Signal Tower’, ‘Email Camera Snapshot’ and ‘Access URL’ available as default Actions. Additional Actions will be released and available as plugins for Device ManageR.
  • Added support for motion detection from Axis Network Cameras. Device ManageR can optionally automatically configure a Motion Event on an Axis Network Camera using the new ‘Add Motion Event’ button.
  • Images from Axis Network Cameras taken as a result of motion detection or from the ‘Email Camera Snapshot’ Action are saved to disk and can be viewed on the new ‘Captured Images’ screen. Users can optionally set a maximum number of images that should be stored for each camera.
  • Added support for Optional Schedules that can be applied to Actions, Alerts and Axis Motion Events. When schedules are applied, the Action, Alert or Axis Motion Event will only be checked or executed if it is within the defined Optional Schedule. Optional Schedules can be saved and reused on multiple objects within Device ManageR.
  • Added support for multiple User Account Levels. Previously, only one User Account Level was available that either allowed or denied access to the Device ManageR interface. Now three (3) User Account Levels are supported. The ‘Admin’ level allows full access to all Device ManageR features. The ‘Viewer’ level allows the user to view all devices and settings but cannot make any changes. The ‘Guest’ level cannot make any changes and is limited to only specific devices.
  • Improved the way Alerts, Contacts, Action Schedules and Optional Schedules are deleted so objects that are currently in use cannot be deleted accidently.
  • Added support for sending attachments with email notifications. This is used specifically for attaching snapshots from Axis Network Cameras to email alert notification messages.
  • Added a configuration option to define the number of scans that should elapse before a device is considered missing. This defaults to three (3) scans and can be modified in the ‘Discovery’ section of the Settings.
  • Improved the display of Status Icons to handle alerts that are configured both in Device ManageR and on the device itself. Now, if an alert configured on the device goes into an alarm state, the Status Icon in Device ManageR will show red. The Status Icon will only be green if there are no alarms currently in progress on the device or in Device ManageR.
  • Modified the display of the ‘Zoom’ function so it is easier to find and use. The new ‘Zoom’ slider is located on the bottom right corner of the Device ManageR interface.
  • Modified the display of the vertical bar separating the device list from the main window. It is now narrower and gray, although can still be clicked and dragged to allow more display room for the main window. This is especially useful when viewing multiple Axis Network Cameras or other devices on the screen simultaneously.
  • Modified the default width of the device list to be 200px, instead of the width of the widest device label. Users can still click and drag the divider to make the device list wider or narrower.
  • Improved the display of the ‘Action / Notification Schedule Item’ edit screen to allow options for either continuous actions or a maximum number of actions. Previously, ‘0’ was entered for continuous actions.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the status of the internal Flood Sensor on a Room Alert 26W to not be logged to the database.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the ‘Loading Graph’ progress bar to not disappear once the graph has finished loading.


December 22, 2009
  • Added support for SSL encryption in email communication. This allows email notification to be sent using mail servers that require SSL.
  • Improved the Web Access Security Log to log all attempts to access the web interface into the configured database. This will allow users to query access logs for specific dates or times, users, requested pages and more.
  • The [DATETIME] keyword in alert notification was previously always reporting the date and time that the alert occurred. This keyword now reports the date and time that the alert notification was sent, and two new keywords ([ALERT_TIME], [CLEAR_TIME]) were added to report the alert time and the clear time.
  • Added support for exporting the alert and notification history to a CSV file for import into other programs or for historical record keeping.
  • Improved the Email.log file so communication between Device ManageR and the mail server is shown in much greater detail which makes it easier to diagnose email issues.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause devices discovered manually via TCP to periodically show as no longer discovered.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Axis cameras discovered manually to periodically show as no longer discovered.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent Microsoft SQL Server from being saved properly if selected as an external database source.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause high CPU usage if Bonjour was not installed on the host system. Bonjour is only required if users desire automatic discovery of Axis network cameras.
  • Resolved an issue with the Reset Logfile Data feature that could cause all sensor data to be reset instead of the selected date range when using the embedded database option.


November 24, 2009
  • Added support for Microsoft SQL Server as an external database.
  • Added a logging data migration option that will optionally automatically migrate all data logged into the currently configured database into a newly configured database. This allows users to change the database used for logging sensor and alert information without losing any data or information. If the database settings are changed, this option will be presented to the user before saving the new settings.
  • Added an option to specify the number of scan intervals that should be allowed to pass before a sensor or device is considered no longer accessible. This new option defaults to two (2) scan intervals and can be modified on a per alert basis.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the alert notification offset to only be applied for new alerts, not alerts that have repeated.
  • Added a link for a new WebAccess.log file that will list all attempts to access the web interface in a tab delimited format.
  • Improved the information included in the Email.log file to make it easier to diagnose issues with sending email notifications.
  • Corrected a label in the Settings screen to properly reference the Alert Logging section of Settings.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the Heat Index value to display incorrectly for Celsius values on the internal Temp/Humidity Sensor on a Room Alert 26W.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the Alert History from being reset properly.
  • Improved the initial scan process so it automatically adds any devices previously discovered using the manual discovery process. These will appear initially as unavailable devices until the normal scan process rediscovers them.
  • Resolved an issue with the Test Email function that would attempt to test both mail servers, even if only one was configured.


September 30, 2009
  • Added support for discovering Axis cameras on the network during the manual device scan of a single or range of IP addresses. Previously, Axis cameras were automatically discovered via Bonjour but not as part of the IP address scan.
  • Added support for unlimited alerting to an unlimited number of contacts when an unlimited number of thresholds have been exceeded. Device ManageR fully supports an escalation schedule, meaning that different contacts can be notified at different times and at different periodic rates as the alert persists. Multiple email servers are supported providing redundancy if the primary mail server fails or is unavailable.
  • Improved the functionality of the status icons used in the Device Status list and in the Discovered Device Summary. The icon will be green if no alerts are currently in progress on the device, and will turn red if an alert is in progress either in Device ManageR or on the device itself.
  • Added an Alert Summary to the bottom of the Discovered Devices Summary page. This will list the number of alerts currently in progress as well as the number of historical alerts that have been logged. Clicking the Alert Summary bar will expand it and allow users to browse through the list of current and historical alerts to see information such as the date and time the alert was triggered and cleared, the alert duration, the device and sensor that caused the alert, as well as every notification sent as a result of the alert.
  • Added support for monitoring TCP services via the ‘Modify Ping Devices’ button. This will initiate a TCP connnection to the specified IP address and port and optionally send a message and verify the proper response. This is an excellent way to ensure that TCP Services are running and responding to queries on the network.
  • Added support for monitoring UDP services via the ‘Modify Ping Devices’ button. This will send a UDP broadcast message to the specified IP address and port and optionally verify the proper response. This is an excellent way to ensure that TCP Services are running and responding to queries on the network.
  • Added support for monitoring HTTP services via the ‘Modify Ping Devices’ button. This will initiate a HTTP connnection to the specified IP address and port and optionally verify the proper response. This is an excellent way to ensure that the HTTP Service (i.e. a website) is running and responding to queries on the network.
  • Added support for logging sensor and alert data to an external database as an alternative to the embedded database included with Device ManageR. Currently MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported and can be configured in the Database Settings section of the Setting screen.
  • Added ‘Configured Alerts’ and ‘Alert History’ buttons to the summary screen for each device, making it easy to see what are alerts are currently configured for that device and the historical alerts that have been previously triggered for that device.
  • Added support for turning signal tower lights and audio on and off directly from the Device ManageR interface by simply clicking on the desired light or audio on the displayed signal tower.
  • Added support for deleting logged sensor data by device and by date range. Previously deleting logged sensor data required deleting all data for all devices.
  • Added the ability to export logged sensor data for devices that are no longer able to be discovered.
  • Improved the Update Firmware process so it displays current status information regarding the firmware updates in progress.
  • Changed the ‘Discovery’ label in the left menu to ‘Device Status’.
  • Resolved an issue with the automatic graphing refresh feature that prevented the date range from updating to the next day when the time of day passed midnight (12:00AM).


June 5, 2009
  • Added support for displaying multiple Axis cameras on a single page. If multiple Axis cameras are discovered, hold the CTRL key and click each camera in the discovered devices list to display all images on the same screen. Images will update automatically every 5 seconds. Clicking a specific camera image will display the image and details for that camera.
  • Major improvements were made to the embedded database used for logging sensor data which has dramatically improved the speed and responsiveness of the graphing display.
  • Added support for automatically refreshing the graph display for a selected device. This allows users to leave the graph for a device displayed in their browser and have it automatically update with the most recent sensor data. The refresh interval will be the configured logging interval plus an additional 5 seconds.
  • Added a progress bar to the graph loading process to better indicate when the graph will be rendered. This is especially useful when graphing sensor data over long periods of time.
  • Added support for interacting with Room Alert Signal Tower devices. Light and audio controls can now be activated from within Device ManageR by clicking on the appropriate element of the light tower in the display.
  • Added support for a device ‘Blacklist’. This allows users to block certain devices from being discovered and displayed by entering the IP address of the device in the blacklist.
  • Added the ability to specify a date range for the Export To CSV file option. Instead of automatically exporting all sensor data, users can now export only data recording during the dates specified.
  • Added the ability to Reset Logfile Data for a specific device during a specific date range. Previously, the Reset Logfile Data would delete all sensor data for the selected device.
  • Added an ‘Advanced’ button for discovered devices that contains options for ‘Export Log Data To CSV’, ‘Reset Logfile Data’, and ‘Block Device IP Address’.
  • Modified the Discovered Devices display so that device text is bold, making it easier to read.
  • Improved how the embedded database is opened and closed which reduces the chance of it closing improperly and requiring database recovery to function again.
  • Improved the way Device ManageR checks for another running instance to prevent the chance of starting multiple instances of the application or service on the same system.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause API requests to go around the security check, allowing access to some features without requiring username and password authentication.
  • Modified the default logging interval to be 300 seconds (5 minutes) instead of 60 seconds (1 minute).
  • Resolved an issue that prevented more than one Axis camera from being discovered at a time.
  • Resolved an issue with the Axis camera display that could cause the browser to consume additional memory over time if the display was left open for long periods of time.
  • Resolved an issue with the Device Summary display that could cause newly discovered devices to not display properly.


October 27, 2008
  • Added support for automatically discovering unlimited Axis Network Cameras and displaying the current images. This provides a single interface for viewing the current image for all cameras on the network.
  • Added support for selecting a specific date and time range for the graphing display. Previous versions only allowed graphing for a certain number of days counting back from the current day. Now, any date and time range can be selected for both the start and end of the graph, allowing much more detailed and meaningful graph displays.
  • Added a ‘Discovered Devices Summary’ display that will show basic information for all devices currently discovered. Clicking a device in this summary display will open the more detailed display showing sensor information for the selected device.
  • Added an option to sort devices by ‘Status’ in the discovered devices list. This will sort all inactive devices to the bottom of the list.
  • Improved the Set IP process to better syncronize with the discovery process to prevent a device with a modified IP address from disappearing and immediately reappearing.
  • Improved the loading speed and error checking of the graph display.
  • Improved the loading speed of the Discovered Devices list.
  • Improved the table structure and indexing of the embedded database to dramatically improve the graphing and data export speed. Note that the installer will prompt to either upgrade the existing database, keeping all existing log data, or backup the existing data and create a new database. If the upgrade option is selected, it can take from 10 minutes to 3 hours to complete the conversion, depending on how much data has been logged to this point.
  • Resolved an issue with sorting in the Discovered Devices list that caused sorts by ‘IP’ and ‘Type’ to be out of order.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the close icon ‘X’ to not appear in the top right corner of some dialogs.
  • Resolved an issue that caused user authentication to fail if more than two (2) user accounts were created. Previously, only the first two user accounts created would be valid.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the password from being modified for a previously created user account.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause devices that were manually added to the device list not to gray out when they became inaccessible.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause firmware updates to fail on congested networks by increasing the file transfer timeout.
  • Modified the firmware update process to retry the upload of a file after the first file transfer error.


August 1, 2008
  • Added a check for an instance of Device ManageR already running. If an instance is found to be already running, the default web browser will be opened to the web interface.
  • Added support for updating firmware on Room Alert Signal Tower w/Audio, Room Alert Signal Tower External, TemPageR 3E and Room Alert 4E units.
  • Improved the error checking and startup speed of the embedded database which resolves an issue with the web interface taking longer to display initially after closing unexpectedly.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause WiSH Sensors to display incorrectly when viewing a Room Alert 26W unit with multiple WiSH Sensors detected.
  • Resolved an issue that could be caused if a unit was discovered with the same IP address as a unit that was previously on the network.
  • Resolved an issue that caused readings less than zero to be displayed incorrectly in graphs and exported incorrectly to CSV.
  • Corrected the link used in the ‘Sync Time’ button for AVTECH devices.
  • Resolved an issue that caused signal tower and ping status to be graphed incorrectly for Room Alert Signal Tower devices.
Room Alert is Made in the USA, ships worldwide from our locations in the US and EU, and has been protecting facilities since 1988.

You may find Windows Command Prompt at the following path:

  • Windows 7 & 8
    Start--> All Programs--> Accessories--> Command Prompt
  • Windows 10
    Start--> All Apps--> Windows System--> Command Prompt

To run Windows Command Prompt as an administrator:

  • Windows 7 & 8
    Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
  • Windows 10
    Right-click on Command Prompt, select More and then select Run as administrator.

Example Polling Method Properties saved in Orion SolarWinds:

If you are using this client, you should configure the general SNMPv3 Credentials, but leave the Read / Write SNMPv3 Credentials section blank.

Room Alert Link- Supported Firmware Updates

Current S modelsCurrent E models
Room Alert 32SRoom Alert 32E
Room Alert 12SRoom Alert 12E
Room Alert 4E
Room Alert 3E

Room Alert Manager - Compatible Devices

The latest version of Room Alert Manager supports only the devices below.

It does not support any legacy Room Alert or TemPageR models.

Current S modelsCurrent E models
Room Alert 32SRoom Alert 32E
Room Alert 12SRoom Alert 12E
Room Alert 3SRoom Alert 4E
Room Alert 3E
Room Alert 3W