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Our team is extremely proud to kick off the holiday season with another award win. On November 20th, 2023, Room Alert was announced as one of four exemplary companies of the “2023 Smart Buildings Innovation” awards, presented by IOT Evolution World! IOT Evolution World is one of the publications from TMCnet, which has awarded Room Alert many times in the past. The new Smart Buildings Innovation Awards were designed to highlight organizations, projects, and solutions that have made significant contributions to the advancement of smart building technologies and practices.
One of the main reasons why AVTECH was recognized for this award is due to the constant innovation of our Room Alert platform. We are always looking for ways to improve customer experience and add value to the Room Alert environment monitoring platform. Whether it is building new hardware such as monitors, sensors and accessories or adding capabilities within our software, our goal continues to be striving to make our entire Room Alert ecosystem the absolute best tool for preventing and minimizing costly unplanned outages.
Most recently, we launched our brand-new Room Alert mobile app and shortly thereafter we announced our latest feature release. This feature release delivered in-app new user and new device registration with more ease than ever before, simply by using your phone’s camera. We are also consistently adding new features and capabilities to Room Alert Account and Room Alert Manager. Earlier this year, we added native SMS alert notifications in Room Alert Account. Native SMS alert notifications are exceptionally user-friendly and the superior solution for our international Room Alert customers. Within Room Alert Manager, our team developed Server Command Actions. This is a highly secure way to remotely shut down or reboot servers on your network through SSH public key authentication. Last year, we launched our new Digital Temperature & Air Flow Sensor. This is a professionally designed sensor that monitors airflow (or lack of airflow) for fans and vents, such as HVAC vents, internal/external server exhaust fans, cooling fans, and dehumidifier fans.
Our team is always busy innovating the best ways to give users superior environment monitoring.
Another top reason why we were recognized for the “2023 Smart Buildings Innovation” award is due to our growth in general facilities protection. This growth includes recognizing Room Alert’s built-in safety and compliance features that help protect building inhabitants, which is one of the award’s key criteria. Room Alert’s built-in guidance features were created to help users follow recommendations and regulations from agencies such as NWS, ASHRAE & OSHA. Our Guidance features include threshold ranges, established standards, and heat index readings. We have invested a great deal in developing safety and compliance tools designed with high-risk states in mind such as California and Oregon, as well as more general guidelines to best protect people, property and productivity.
For the last couple of years, OSHA has been working on stricter compliance standards for worker safety. This is largely in response to the millions of U.S. workers who are exposed to heat in their workplaces. Room Alert is critical to any successful heat-illness prevention plan because it will promptly notify you when the environmental conditions in your workplace are beginning to creep outside of industry practices. Whether you are mandated to comply with OSHA federal guidelines or are concerned with protecting your most important assets, Room Alert has you covered.
AVTECH Software is extremely proud to win the “2023 Smart Buildings Innovation” award from IoT Evolution World!
You may find Windows Command Prompt at the following path:
To run Windows Command Prompt as an administrator:
Current S models | Current E models |
Room Alert 32S | Room Alert 32E |
Room Alert 12S | Room Alert 12E |
Room Alert 4E | |
Room Alert 3E | |
Current S models | Current E models |
Room Alert 32S | Room Alert 32E |
Room Alert 12S | Room Alert 12E |
Room Alert 3S | Room Alert 4E |
Room Alert 3E | |
Room Alert 3W |