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Data center monitoring has become an entire industry on its own over the last 20 years. Uptime, performance, and reliability are all critical to data centers, whether it’s a small local server room or a large multi-tenant facility. Any number of environment factors can spell disaster for data centers and facilities, however temperature will always […]
May 11, 2017
Customers who install Room Alert are usually most interested in monitoring temperatures in their facilities, based on the questions our Product Specialists are usually asked during an initial call from a new user. It remains the top environment factor most customers are initially concerned with. Temperature is a critical environment factor to monitor regardless of […]
Over the past 10 years, many businesses have made a push to store their data in the cloud. Costs have dropped, while availability and reliability have increased. However, there are still many organizations that maintain their own local data center to house critical data and equipment. For those businesses, disaster recovery becomes a primary concern […]
Data centers are heavily guarded against intrusion and network data loss. Cyber-attacks and cybercrime remain among the top reasons for data center outages, and data center owners as well as businesses that operate their own data center have multiple safeguards in place to protect them. Unplanned data center outages come from many sources, however. Environment […]
We often talk about different scenarios where Room Alert is able to provide data center monitoring (among many other types of facilities) and help track temperature, humidity, power, flood, smoke, air flow, and more. Rather than talk in general terms, we wanted to give an exact situation Room Alert is providing data center environment monitoring. […]
Environment factors account for 27% of all data center outages, and can cause losses of over $300,000 per hour! One of the best and easiest ways to help avoid many of those issues is to keep your data center within the recommended acceptable temperature and humidity ranges. To help better understand those causes of downtime, […]
NOTE: An updated version of this article can be found here. In late 2005, we published an article outlining recommended data center temperature and humidity levels. Over the years, that article has been one of our most popular pages and has helped thousands of customers establish, monitor and maintain appropriate data center environment conditions. Since […]
January 23, 2015 (View Original Article) Processor – Vol. 37 Number 2 The many benefits of monitoring environment conditions in data centers have been fairly well documented in recent years. Still, many enterprises fail to implement even basic monitoring until after actually experiencing a problem. Though some reasons why enterprises take a “later than sooner” […]
Feb 13, 2014
February 13, 2014 Michael Sigourney Seasonal changes are a part of life. However, should environmental conditions outside impact your plan to protect the data center? Absolutely, even if it is multiple states away. It never snows inside the building although the influences of extreme temperature, rain, snow and ice can challenge even the best organization’s […]
Nov 14, 2005
NOTE: An updated version of this article can be found here. By Rick Grundy November 14, 2005 Monitoring the environment conditions in a computer room or data center is critical to ensuring uptime and system reliability. A report from the Gartner Group in late 2003 estimated that the average hourly cost of downtime for a computer […]
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To run Windows Command Prompt as an administrator:
Current S models | Current E models |
Room Alert 32S | Room Alert 32E |
Room Alert 12S | Room Alert 12E |
Room Alert 4E | |
Room Alert 3E | |
Current S models | Current E models |
Room Alert 32S | Room Alert 32E |
Room Alert 12S | Room Alert 12E |
Room Alert 3S | Room Alert 4E |
Room Alert 3E | |
Room Alert 3W |