Knowledge Base / News
Last week we introduced our brand new, patent-pending Monitor360 technology that’s now available to users on the Professional level and higher in our Room Alert Account service.
This week, we wanted to discuss a few other new features that we’ve introduced to help Room Alert users better monitor their environments and respond when they’re alerted to an environment factor that may cause unexpected downtime.
Room Alert Account users are familiar with the report overlays that allowed them to show ASHRAE recommended temperature and humidity ranges if they desired. Many of our users appreciated the ability to toggle those predefined overlays on and off to ensure their temperature and humidity ranges stayed within ASHRAE’s recommendations.
Now, users can create their own custom overlay ranges in their Room Alert Account to help them better manage their facilities and conditions. Every user has a unique situation and facility, and many of our users have very specific ranges that they need to monitor based on their Room Alert configuration.
Creating a new custom report overlay is easy and can be completed in only a few steps. Organizations that use Room Alert to monitor a cold storage facility have far different needs than an organization that’s monitoring 20 data centers. Now, with the latest Room Alert Account update, users are free to create their own report overlays to better monitor their facilities and know with a glance that temperature and humidity readings are within required ranges.
Receiving an alert at 2AM that your data center temperature is close to reaching a critical threshold due to a broken HVAC unit can be the difference between reacting quickly to avoid a potential problem, or coming in the next morning to discover your servers are offline permanently and customer data has been lost.
Some of our users have staffing levels throughout the day that allow them to keep a close eye on their facilities and recognize when some conditions may need to be addressed. Others may have time periods when they are “on call”, and other times when someone else is responsible for responding. In instances such as this, Room Alert users can now choose quiet times for any of the actions on their alerts. This will allow them to silence actions for alerts during timeframes that they select so they don’t have emails and SMS messages alerting them to a condition they may be monitoring in person.
Alerts will still be triggered and listed in the organization’s Alert History, however the alert notifications that are currently within a quiet time period won’t be sent. This will enable users to continue to see their full alert history and allow them to potentially notice trends or issues they can address proactively to help prevent future issues.
Some users have expressed the desire to hide sensors that are either inactive, or not pertinent to their monitoring needs. An example of this might be when an organization wants to hide the internal temperature monitor on a Room Alert because they are more concerned with the readings from external Temperature Sensors that are connected to that particular Room Alert monitor. Or, they may have unused switch sensor inputs that they want to hide until a sensor is connected to it in the future.
The latest Room Alert Account updates now allow users to hide and unhide any sensors that are listed with their Room Alert monitors, giving them more granularity on what they want to monitor. Hiding sensors can help avoid unneeded alerts, and also provide more concise reports that will be more helpful to their environment monitoring.
Hidden sensors can still be seen within your Room Alert Account, as needs can often change over time. If users need to re-enable a hidden sensor, it can be taken care of quickly and easily.
We encourage Room Alert Account users to spend a few minutes exploring the new features that can be found within the service, as many can be put into use immediately to help take environment monitoring to an entirely new level.
If your organization cannot see some of the new features, upgrading to the Professional level of service (or higher) can be taken care of in a matter of seconds from right within your Room Alert Account. We now also offer lifetime subscriptions to the Room Alert Account to ensure you never miss out on an alert or lose access to a feature. If you have any questions about the new Room Alert Account features, or how you can upgrade your services, please let us know! We’ll be happy to help show you how you can better protect your organization from environment-related downtime, which helps increase your revenue and productivity.
Always remember – Room Alert is environment monitoring made easy… don’t wait until it’s too late!
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Current S models | Current E models |
Room Alert 32S | Room Alert 32E |
Room Alert 12S | Room Alert 12E |
Room Alert 4E | |
Room Alert 3E | |
Current S models | Current E models |
Room Alert 32S | Room Alert 32E |
Room Alert 12S | Room Alert 12E |
Room Alert 3S | Room Alert 4E |
Room Alert 3E | |
Room Alert 3W |